Atheists: Are you upset over the insults people giving you in this section?

Doesn't upset me.

Contrary to certain religious people, I do know that I'm subject to criticism for my beliefs. Doesn't bother me at all.

Ps: Atheism is not a religion.
I don't have a religion, I am an atheist. I don't really care. People can say whatever they please.
Just sad that those poor lost souls stewing in their hatred are destroying their own humanity by letting the corrosive effect of religious fanaticism scour them of decency.
Since when are people insulting atheists? It's the atheists doing all the trash talk here.

>mfw I get thumbs down because people can't handle the truth
I''m not upset, no. I'm glad that the believers who do it show their true colors by handing out insults instead of the "love" they claim to display.
I wish theists would learn more about pragma-dialectics.

It annoys me when logic is abandoned, logic gives reality to morality; theists are liable to neglect it, because they only care about faith not in being correct logically.
Excuse me, the atheists come here to insult the religious. They don't come here to do anything but insult.
Well, Sikhs were victims of genocide and Buddhists don't do much that can be insulted, plus both are a very small group.
as far as i'm concerned people who attack atheists do it because they've been attacked by antitheists who masquerade as atheists, not knowing their real title and misrepresenting atheism. i don't get angry. i just wish people would differentiate the terms, and that people of every group would stop assuming that one person they talk to who happens to be a jerk represents every person of the same belief.
Not really.

And besides, this is a religious section. Don't go to war if you don't expect to be shot at.
It's just strangers ranting on the internet. I don't take it personally..

Just FYI, atheism is not a religion.
What bothers me is that people cannot understand what it means to be an atheist.
Being an atheist is not a religion.
Atheist do not all think alike, in fact the one and only thing we have in common is that we do not believe in god or gods.
Atheist is not a group or club. There are no meetings, no membership, no membership fees, no gatherings, no phone conferences, no uniforms, no initiation rituals..nothing.
Atheist do not worship Satan or even believe in Satan's existence.
I am not insulted by people in this section for they mean nothing to me one way or another.
It would be nice if they would open a friggin dictionary once in a while and learn what they are talking about before their fingers hit the damn keyboard!
Faith: Lack of evidence to preserve belief

Conclusively no it just proves they need to insult us rather than prove god exists.