Atheists , ( apart from the christian beliefs ) how are you certain that...

Sep 6, 2009
...there is no creator ? Atheists , ( apart from the christian beliefs ) how are you certain that there is no creator ?
Hey You ...I've seen you in several questions throughout this forum promoting the Zeitgeist movie , everyone is aware of that movie here already ....the movie you should check out now is " Home ".... go check it out on youtube ..
I'm not "certain" of anything. I base my life on what is most likely and what is least likely. There's a small chance that we aren't even alive just programs in an alien computer. Since there is no evidence for that I dismiss it as impropable. Since there is no evidence for your god, I do the same for it.
We're not! I'm also not certain that faeries do not exist. When there is a good amount of evidence, I'll be happy to change my mind! Until then, though, I have no reason to believe there is a deity, just as I have no reason to believe in faeries. :)
There are people who are non-Christian who are also non-atheist who believe in a creator.

No one can be certain there is no creator. That involves proving a negative: A logical impossibility. The simplest way to explain the existence of the universe is that it came into being through natural laws. That would adequately explain it. It is not necessary to add the "complication" of a deity to explain it. The probability of it being some PARTICULAR deity is approximately zero.
How am I certain there is no creator? I'm not. If I said I was, I'd be lying. However, from the evidence I've personally seen, I have come to the conclusion that there probably isn't one. Could I be wrong? I certainly could. I think any honest atheist will say the same thing.
What difference does it make?

@HEY YOU: I appreciate your sentiments, but listing zeitgeist as a source/reference is an embarrassment. It's been ripped to shreds for it's innaccuracies by both sides of the fence.

It's every bit as bad as the fundie's "expelled" movie.
I think it'd be foolish to be certain of a proposition so vague and nebulous. it's just that I see no good reason to believe that there IS one.
There is no logical evidence whatsoever for a creator. The many, many flaws in the system on Earth that cause natural disasters, extinct species, disease, etc. show evidence of a natural, random upbringing rather than some intelligent design.

If there is a creator, then the burden of proving his/her/its existence is on them, not me. Since no evidence has been displayed, I don't believe.
theists, how are you certain that there is a creator, and can you please point out an atheist who actually claims certianty?
"how are you certain that there is no creator ?"
I was seven when I first heard about the invisible sky critter.
I was surprised grownups could be so silly.
I am still amazed.
Monsters in the closet, under the bed, dancing about on cloudies awaiting requests?
It’s nothing but superstitious nonsense.
I have NOT seen or heard anything in the interim to cause me to change my mind.

Just by the SIMPLE act of looking around anyone can see that shït happens to all and sundry regardless of ANY thought, deed or circumstance, exactly as if there was NO invisible space chappie pulling any strings at all.
well, because then who or what created the creator? then who or what created the creator of the creator and then who or what created the creator of the creator of the creator? and so on and on and on.

there's just no logical reason to believe in invisible super beings.
EXACTLY.... lot of them base their decision on anti-religion fairy tails and science

science cant explain life after death....... and yet lot of them trust it, even though its a contradiction to diminish the possibility of a higher power

I get sick of all the UNICORN comments and WIZARD comments, that only shows that to them GOD is only religion, as atheists I figured they could look a little deeper to acknowledge reason that religion ITSELF is not the only way of God

I'm not 100% 'certain' there is no creator although some things about a creator have been proved wrong countless times and I've seen no evidence of a creator existing so I'm going to believe the more logical side... There is no creator. =P and I'll be damned if I'm going to worship someone for my whole life to only find out I wasted it because 'said' creator isn't real.
It all seems far too human to visualize a creator. It makes people far too special. We are not special, not as a species. We are very very small, almost non-existent in the scale of the universe.

Big-bang and evolution simply explains more, whereas a creationist perspective raises too many unanswerable questions. Science can continue to discover more, but Creation ends at the story. We are too inquisitive by nature to accept a Creator.

To ever really accept a Creationist belief is to sacrifice a major part of our being: our inquiring minds.
not all atheists are anti-creationism. in my mind, i always think that there is a creator for everything in this universe. but i refuse to worship this creator. creator is not some higher being. it is possible that the creator is an amount of energy which behave under scientific laws... later discovered by human. but this is just my theory after all, and i can accept this more than i can accept those that being taught to me when i was younger.
if anybody created us.. it was some sort of alien race that have raised us as some sort of lab experiment... to see if they could Create beings that would work together... kind of like how alot of people did way back when.. the egyptians.... and the chinese.... and the Mayans... you know the people that really got shit done... now what do we have... rich white guys that like blow shit up... now does that sound like a creation by a supreme being that loves and cares about you and promises you bliss at the end of this life... or does it sound more like a science experiment that just can't play nice because they said they have more power than anybody... through the means of having more money...
chrsitian, muslim , hindu does not figure into it. I do not believe in god because I have never seen any evidence of one . Just that simple