Atheists/Agnostics, if it weren't for organized religion, do you think you'd


New member
Feb 6, 2009
believe in God? Another atheist made this comment on a previous question.
As an agnostic I really don't think there is sufficient evidence to support one side or the other-this is simply my opinion though. However sometimes I wonder, if it weren't for organized religion, if I would in fact believe in God.

What do you think? Is organized one of your primary reasons behind shunning religion (besides like of evidence)?
I'm not saying if organized religions didn't exist. Forgive me for not stating my point clearly.

If it weren't for the sheer attitude of superiority and so-called moral high ground most believers claim they have, would you consider organized religion?
Seeker that was a very eloquent answer. Thank you.
Ariana, that is a very interesting oppositional standpoint that I haven't heard from many.

Thanks for sharing that.

I admit that the lunatic acts carried out in the name of one religion or another add to my distaste for the concept of god, but I don't believe in god for one very simple reason: There is no evidence supporting it.

No, because there would still be no evidence.
Organized religion just made it easy to see pretty quickly that this was all made up. People making up rules and reason and excuses and coming to all sorts of different conclusions just to try and justify a belief in something that makes no sense.
I'd probably be an animist or polytheist. I really don't agree with monotheism.
It's unnatural.
no. because as you said theres no evidence of 'god' existing.
and i wouldnt want to be forced to worship someone who claims to be so loving and compassionate yet punishes his "children" so irrationally.

im better off not believing. im WAY happier.

If there is a God, they don't seem to care about worshippers enough to make it clear what religion they want them to follow. Without organized religion, there still wouldn't be any sign from God as to which religion is right, there just wouldn't be people trying to convince you that their particular sect is more correct than the 50,000 other ones.

If there is no divine sign from God as to how it wants to be worshipped, either their is no god, or they don't care if we worship them.

Either way, I'm not guessing and heading to church.
I beleive energy is a higher power, I guess you can call it god. as far as religion is concerned I think it makes me beleive god is not good because it takes energy do bad things. Bad things are done in the name of religion. Good things are done by people including religious people having compassion.