ASIAN GUYS ONLY PLEASE!!!!!! Do Asian guys like Mexican girls?

Asian guys should not be with Mexican girls . They do not share the same values . All they know how to do is make babies and cheat .

Dude your parents made you right? did they cheat on each other? who knows?
Dude you are being racist and that is a stereotype, learn about ur history take asian studies like me and u will discover how you are being racist like fair skin people where racist to your anscestors. How do you like them apples? I am latina i do not cheat, i know a lot of things i even know a little about other countries history, to not be ignorant and here you are saying latinas only know how to make babies lol. I have seeing people with babies alot and they where not all mexican, i have seeing alot of them cheat and they where not mexican. My boyfriend cheated on me and he was white when we have been together for 7 years. His dad cheated on his wife and his wife cheated on him too. It is not like you are going to tell me that other people do not do this. But you know that is why there is so much hate, racism, bad information, because of people like you" because of people like you people kill themselves, because of people like you people hate themselves. thank you for keeping this worlds biggest sin racism, thank you for being so ignorant. Next time learn, and research before you say something, because eveytime you make comments like this you are responsable for someone hating themselves or someones death.
I dont really think that race matters..
As long as youve got a good attitude then somebody will definitely fall for you soon.. :)
I'm a Mexican girl and I love Asian people. I would like to date an Asian guy,but first I would be his friend and be there for him. I love all the manga,anime,and Asian stuff. I'm funny,weird,smart,shy and well really random. Hahah I love making my friends happy when their down. Ever since I was watching anime and learn the Asian culture that's when I got so interested with Asian. That's why I'm going to Japan in a year or so. For my birthday. But My friend says " nah, you don't have chance. Like um not like to be races or something but like Asian guys aren't that interested in Mexican girls. Ugh! Ya know how ugly we are hahah! Plus mostly white girls like asian guys. So they'll do anything to steal you Asian friend away from you. So like um if you jealous or hurt. Just I don't know white girls are mean and will steal the Asian guy away from you,well just do like what you always do." what I always do is just smile and stay quite. So I don't know.I've never had an Asian friend before. Your not the only wondering in this world.
I'm a Mexican girl and i love asian guys! I think asian guys are so cute, attractive, handsome etc. I still remember when i was a freshman (he was a senior) in high school in my piano class there was this asian guy and he would always stare at me. i always want to say hi to him, but i felt that if i said hi he would be like why is this mexican girl talking me. And i felt like i would be rejected. Well after he graduated i found out he liked me too it was to late for me to talk to him. Now that i think back i ask myself why didnt i talk to him?!! Anyways i would love to date an asian guy<3
Hey whats going on! i saw this forum and wanted to put my insight. Im chinese and lived in LA all my life. To be honest i grew up liking just asian girls, but as time progressed i started to find so muchh attraction towards mexican girls. I mean i like how they carry themselves, their personality, and their looks. These aspects just is such a big turn on for me; however, i agree with one of the comments posted a while ago. It seems like mexican girls show no attention towards asian guys. I understand how asian parents are towards the significant individual should be for their child. But, i mean we're all in America and we come across different cultures and morals. So, I respect all races and cultures, and i'm willing to give any culture a chance. To be honest, everytime i look at a mexican girl, she shows no attention at all. I mean is it a front where you have to pursue harder or is it just a stone cold "no" answer. I just get really confused each time im presented by this display. Can I please get a response on how to view this issue. Thank you.

im mexican and we do like asian boys but we feel like they dont like us thats why never talk to them and we are shy
im a girl by the way im mexican
a word from the ladies

Here is another Mexican girl that loves asian men. I'm not talking about tall muscular men with excellent facial structures and six packs ok. There is just something about the way asian men look that makes them so attractive. I love all men sure, but asian men are just the best! Thing for me is I feel like I have to compete with the super skinny asian girls and let me tell you: I am a beautiful woman (atleast i think of myself that way) with meat on my bones. I think two asian girls can make up my body mass. But anyway I digress. I have never seen asian guys until I went to college. I feel like us college Latinas have a higher chance of getting an asian guy because we are obviously smart and hard working! They just need to recognize it! So my plan for the year is "Asian club parties!!" If I don't get a boyfriend atleast I get to dance with some hotties! And the penis thing.. who the hell cares maybe whores? Because I would love my guy no matter what. Waaah I want an asian boy!! Tall, short, fat, skinny, I'll take them all. It breaks my heart to see guys rejected by girls all the time. But they need to try harder!! Hurry find me I wont reject youuu~ hahaha ok ok I'm done and this forum is awesome.
My best friend is asian i noticed he likes Mexican girls more than asian girls in his opinion.i asked him, what kind of girl would you want to date, in less than 3 seconds he said mexican. Hes really shy which i heard happens alot with stuff like this.i am a mexican boy and i personally like either mexicans or asians, more than other girls. I am shy to which is one of the reasons we are really close friends. He said one of the reasons he is scared to date a mexican girl is because his parents are strict. Well i've seen this kind of stuff first hand. According to alot of posts on different things i hear that asian men are too shy to talk to mexican/hispanic women, i now think this is true. Im gonna push myself to the limit to break our shyness and start dating.
Well I'm Mexican, and most Mexican girls are shy, other don't know English. So even if they liked u they know they can't communicate with you. And the other shy ones, well they probably think you're not into them so just get yourself noticed. Don't be afraid we love guys who can express themselves. :)
Hell yea you should. Tell your friend that many Mexican girls would be willing to date him. I mean if you like someone parent's shouldn't intervene. If his parents' see that he's happy with a Mexican girl. They have to deal with it, that's what parents' are for to support us. Besides we Mexican girls we are adorable. :)

Hey whats going on! i saw this forum and wanted to put my insight. Im chinese and lived in LA all my life. To be honest i grew up liking just asian girls, but as time progressed i started to find so muchh attraction towards mexican girls. I mean i like how they carry themselves, their personality, and their looks. These aspects just is such a big turn on for me; however, i agree with one of the comments posted a while ago. It seems like mexican girls show no attention towards asian guys. I understand how asian parents are towards the significant individual should be for their child. But, i mean we're all in America and we come across different cultures and morals. So, I respect all races and cultures, and i'm willing to give any culture a chance. To be honest, everytime i look at a mexican girl, she shows no attention at all. I mean is it a front where you have to pursue harder or is it just a stone cold "no" answer. I just get really confused each time im presented by this display. Can I please get a response on how to view this issue. Thank you. a hispanic girl and to tell the truth, there are many,Many girls Hispanic girls who are intrested in asian...Reasons, you usually tend to not cheat,and you guys are always some of the smartest student, and we know if we stick by your side we will have a bright wealthy future, a happy one.
I think to answer this question is that I as a hispanic girl, like to play a little hard to get. But because you never chase, it kinda just suggest Your not intrested. but mayby thats not the case. why do you think mexican guys publicly show there "intrest" twords us, by howling or whistling. I personally think if a asian guy stared at me i would probably smile then look away...trying to suggest i'm intrested. (It's not just hispanic girls, all girls are complex in general)
I'm Mexican American. I just love Asian guys but they don't seem to notice. Is there any in Florida who like Mexicans?
That's not true Mexican girls r both smart and pretty
Not everyone cheats for your info
Some girls r sometimes to shy to ask or afraid to talk
I am a young Asian American guy and I'm attracted to Hispanic and white girls. My family is pretty liberal (like myself) and the don't care who I date. The bad thing is that there are not many Hispanic girls where I live :( but the answer to the original question is that: AISAN GUYS LIKE HISPANIC/MEXICAN GIRL and if they don't there just not worth a girl's time and effort to go after. BTW I am not some ugly asian guy either, girls (from all races) and some guys :/ tell me I am pretty attractive and smart so guys like me LIKE HISPANIC GIRLS.
Because you would know that? I am going to be polite about this. You are ignorant! I am a 16 year old Mexican girl mixed with Japanese. I have very good grades, as well as most of my friends. Now you say all we Mexicans know how to do is make babies and cheat? That to me is hilarious. EVERYONE IN EVERY RACE cheats and makes babies. But I guess you wont understand that.. Good day to you. :)
To all Hispanic women or girls I apologize for that idiots
comment about cheating and making babies. I'm a teenage AISAN American guy and that guy(idoit from the 1500's ) doesn't speak for us (AISAN guys) all. BTW I love Hispanic chicks ;)
As an Asian guy I must say there are alot of mexican girls out there that are really into us,Korean/Japanese ect... but we asian guys take that as if we only should date Asian girls! Its really stupid!! Mexican girls or whatever other girls out there, we want to date you but you guys never give us a chance's and to be honest Mexican girls are really hard working love having fun and cook really well. Since im Asian i will tell you that theres alot of asian guys wanting to date Mexican girls!! And not alot of asians want to f*ck you thats all false!
I'm Korean and I like Mexican Girls!!! Seriously dude everybody makes Babies and cheats you are ignorant . Sorry to all the mexican girls this guy is just rude! I like mexican girls they are pretty and love having fun ! When i date my own race they seem like they don't like having fun or their just shy ! =_=! I like any kind of race :) but don't let some asian guy say your not worth dating because you are! :)!

If any Latina that is into Asian guys in Los Ageles area email me at sambigduck at yahoo

Okay uhm for the record, there IS no culture clash! Maybe a little, looks, that's about it. Food is alike, morals (depending on person) are alike. I am half white half latina. And I love asian guys! It's so funny to see me when I see an asian guy cause my heart stops! And I am half latina and all of that stuff about latina's have no morals is a lie! My parents would beat my blind if I disobeyed them! And I am kind of going with the entire "Asian boys only with Asian girls" that's why I won't go up to an Asian guy and try to flirt, I'm thinking "What if he only likes Asian girls? What if his parents won't let him? He's not even looking at me so why even bother?" Then I turn around and walk away all sad, but Yeah I'm half latina and I love asian guys! If I could I'd be dating one right now! (depending on his morals and our things we have in common) but yeah, that's my opinion, but I was thinking of moving to japan when I got older, then I thought, no one will marry me there! I'll die alone!

Lol yes! I am too! :D I am fine with getting korean guys and chinese guys. .__. but wow. Vietnamese parents will never let their children date outside their race. wuw.

>Sorry for the late reply<
Love + freedom = unpredictable
Im an Asian guy and I seem to only like Asian girls because I can relate to them and my dad will hang me with a belt which he first used to hit me :p jk maybe .. but thats not the point just find a guy which is Asian and if he likes you .. put effort in it and make it work .. if you find an asian guy thats already with a gal then you must not wait like an old lady said ''Ive been in love with the same guy for almost 50 years ,I wished I had told him'' so dont wait and seek for love :) good luck!!!!!