Ares Torrent Downloader question?


May 17, 2008
I have been searching all day for House M.D. episodes, (well more like weeks but just now on Ares) and I found every episode but I'm having doubts about this person who uploaded them.

Here are a few thing about it so I can get some feed back on how it sounds:

The only thing it says are the episode names. (Act Your Age, 97 Seconds, Lucky Thirteen, etc.)

They are all the correct length of a House episode. (45 Minutes give or take.)

The size is always around 358 give a little or 357.

There is one star under the status section.

Availability : Poor

The author says something like : House MD season 06 episode 06.

The user changes but the beginning letters always contain a dht and after the '@' there are question marks.

All of the files are .avi

PLEASE do not tell me if I wanted to be safe don't use it. I've been wanting to vid this show for years and this is my only option. (No I don't have 400 dollars for all 8 seasons) Tell me what you think and if it sounds reliable.