Aren't we all training doing MMA?

May 5, 2013
Aren't we all doing MMA in a way? The origin of Karate is Okinawa but it has a mixture of Chinese art and other south east asia art too.
This is a very good article.
Sorry for my English.
Thank you JW, one good answer so far.
No. MMA does not mean combining more than one art. That is a common practice today, but that doesn't define mma.

MMA is a sport that allow peope a variety of martial arts styles to compete under one umbrella. Prior to its creation a judoka did not compete against a karateka or boxer. But under the rule set of mma a boxer could compete against a wrestler or judoka or karateka.

Since the rules allow for a variety of fighting styles people have decided that they should learn a variety in order to be able to defend against any style. The Gracie family had a lot of early success by
using a fighting style that many of the hand picked competitors had not experienced before.