Are you happy in your life??


New member
Mar 17, 2008
I think i am as happy have as i have ever been!. I love my life right now. I dont think winning loads of money would even make me happier

Today the sun is out, and ive just been to register for this year at Uni and gees, there seems to be more hot totty than ever!!. Im also really looking forward to doing some studying (really!) and going back to my old Uni life. I went to the sports fair and there is a new offtopic class called Premier Martial Arts which im going to the free class on sat. Everyone i know seems happy and Im just really looking forward to the next few years!.

I must say that i no longer think that things happen for a reason and if you want to do or get something from your life then its up tp you to get it and make it happen!. If there is something you want then just dont wait for it to happen just go get it! you have nothing to lose really!.

So are you happy with your life? if so tell me why? i want to know!
Also are you not happy? why? is there something you want to do, that you can really achive? whats stopping you?. I know people have things stopping them doing what they want. But if you want to do something that you can to better yourself, but your scared, just do it!. I want everyone who can to be as happy as me!!
I'm happy I'm alive but I'm not sure if I'm happy with my life. If you want to know my mood and what I think read my journal. I can only say I'm disappointed some things haven't turned out the way I wanted them too and I wonder if I'll be an eternal failure.

Im sorry about that. The bad times will pass and the good times will seem sweeter . Look at the good things you are doing, like Karate and the people that like you on MAP like me!. I think you sound like a great guy! i have read your journals and as long as you dont give up, you will be just fine. You are not a failure! you are a good person, you dont beat women or abuse drugs or steal cars, you are not a failure. I know your Job situation is hard, but keep doing all you can and something will come up. Nothing stays the same forever, things will change as long as you put yourself in the position to make it happen!!. I have been there, jobless and having no direction in my life, but just hang in there matey geees listen to me, a 21 year old know it all
Thanks Hiroji for those kind and encouraging words ! Glad you are one of those MAP'ers that likes me. Luckily I'm someone who never gives up, otherwise I could have given up three times already in the last ten years due to major happenings. The only thing is, it drains you ! I also hope things will turn up soon again. A thank you here to all the MAP'ers who have been supportive these last months. Appreciate it.

Well.....things could be better, i got an infection on my arm, and my elbow is the size of a softball. Theres this girl i really like, and she likes me(she said so herself a couple weeks ago) but now it seems like were growing further apart, i hardly talk to her, It seems like she'd rather hang out with her friends(lots of guy friends too, and some of them are ex;s)than with me.. Theres a slight chance that she's cheating but since we're not official what can i say???
At the moment? I don't know to be honest. Started back at my last year of school, and it's going well. However, today I had to go to my grans funeral (which I guess is ok, she's out of pain and confusion now). More than that though, I'm fairly emotionally screwed over a girl who can't seem to make her mind up right now, and the fact that I think waaaaay too much for my own good isn't helping. It's kind of overriding everything at the moment, and I'm trying to find my own little way out of it.

"There for the grace of God go I"
Another year in hell. Been pretty much down hill for the last 2 years. But i've hit rock bottom, so the only place to go is up i suppose.
As someone else said, I'm glad I'm alive, sort of, for I'm very unhappy. Some people seem destined in life to be happy all the time and some of us are chronically sad or depressed. That would be me. Life has been good for me at times and extremely harsh at times. If I had to do my life over again, exactly as it has happened so far. It would have ended about 15 years ago. I wouldn't want anyone to go through the heartache and pain that I've seen over the years. So, I'm building a nice wall around myself and will try to enjoy my own little world.......I'm glad for you however that life is good to you.
This is the kind of cliche crap that makes me vomit, i know the intent is good, and but do you REALLY know him? do you REALLY care?

Did you ever consider the possibility that things don't get better? of course not, because everything is lovey dovey perfect in make believe fantasy walgreens world isn't it.....

Don't get me wrong, I hope Punisher gets his crap together too, and i hope it works out, from what i know hes a decent guy, but like all the rest, gets screwed over by reality and women.
Hey tekkengod, I think that really was meant nicely by Hiroji, no need to attack him. And by the way I don't understand something:"..gets screwed over by reality and women." Do you mean I'm not capable of coping with women or reality ? Or what are you implying ?

Normally it would be a resounding "yes!", but for the last couple of months it seems that absolutley everything has been going wrong. From finding our neighbour dead in his bathroom, to my girlfriend losing her job, to someone hitting my car, to my current sinus infection, and now a hurricane heading directly for my gf's ex and her 4 year son (they are in Texas, right in the path of Rita). Many, many small incidents in between those as well.

I guess one needs times like these to bring the happy moments into sharp relief, but while you're in the middle of them you just want out.

I'm still smiling, but it's getting harder by the day, alas...
Well my life isn't going so great right now for reasons I won't go into, but I am chronically happy. No matter what happens, I can always keep a stiff upper lip and crack a smile. I was a very depressed person when I was younger. My cure was to make a concious decision to be happy all the time. I made an honest attempt at all times to be positive, to be happy, and not get down about the bad stuff that happens in my life. I always just remember that I could be out shoveling horse crap for a living, or a citizen of Ethiopia, or a victim of a tsunami or hurricane. No matter what happens that's bad, there is always someone who is going through something worse then I am. I'll probably never see real hardship in my life, and I'm thankful for that.

Christ, grow up. Some people are so iofftopicture for their age. To think he was actually defending you in another thread.
Not really. I hate my job, I don't know what the hell's going on with my is-she-ex-or-is-she-not-girlfriend (don't ask), it looks like my second publishing deal in a row is gonna fall through, I'm broke right now cos it's six days to payday and I just blew my savings, I'm injured so I can't train and I've run out of beer. Also, I can't find the goddamned Sky remote
On the plus side, I have really great hair, good dress sense and a whole bunch of PS2 games to amuse me
I'm sure it was meant nicely, and i said i know that, but that kind of cliche stuff is just irritating to me. We've discussed your problems on before, taht was a literal statement, you got screwed over by a woman, and as for reality, well, reality is a bitch ain't it, not imply you can't deal with it, you do that rather well actually. i guess i was just in piss mode when i wrote that.

and Yohan don't even talk if you don't know the story, for future referance, ok.
yeh you make me laugh mate. Things in life are crap, but dont you ever consider how lucky you are? life cant be that bad. Stop crying about yourself and get on with your life. YOU make your own choices in life up to a piont. I dont really know him, but im just trying to give what i think is a nice guy some help. im sorry you feel this way.
This isn't even about me, it was about the way that was addressed. and again, for the 2nd time, there is nothing wrong with giving help or advice to people, but the manner in which you did it wasn't really either one in my opinion.
why is this? is it something you can do to change it? if so then do something about it. Like i sais somethings are out of your control. Things happen what were not expecting. I was at rock bottom when i left school for reasons i dont want to post, and all i want is to say that i hope things will get better. They have for me.
oh sorry you seem to be an expert in this field! do YOU know me? i think no.
Oh, I am so sorry . . . did I hurt it's feelings?

Here, let me reiterate . . .

Christ, grow up. Some people are so iofftopicture for their age. To think he was actually defending you in another thread.

I do know the whole story. You are a kid, not even 18. You live at your parents house in a suburb. You go to high school, and have a fun social life. You have no responsibilities, no worries (beyond the average high school crud). You don't have to worry about where you're next meal is coming from, don't have to defend yourself, don't have an ex wife barking down your shirt for money. You don't have to worry about money or job security, and yet you come on here posting stuff like this:


And then you talk trash when someone tries to console someone else. Disgusting.
Well Yohan, just to defend him(tekkengod) once again, he was actually one person I did talk to about concerning one thing that happened to me three years ago and I think that is what he is referring too. Not my current situation.

And there he was helping me. Because he had gone through something very similar. So I would appreciate if you and Hiroji would cool down a bit okay. Thank you. No need for unnessary attacks if all of you are trying to help.

Thanks for listening.
