Are you a 45 percenter, & what's your impression of Obama’s economy compared to

Apr 7, 2012
income & livelihood under Bush? New unemployment figures are available again with the release of March data from the BLS. This month, the generously hiked Seasonally Adjusted figure for Americans counted as employed by BLS statisticians came back to earth after a million-and-a-half jobs were added using judgment-based metrics while the Unadjusted counts showed an actual loss of 303,000 jobs on Series Report LNU02000000 over the four months ending in February. This time, the March Seasonally Adjusted count showed a net loss of 31,000 jobs on SR LNS12000000.

One of the more accurate counts of unemployed workers is released every Thursday showing new claimants for unemployment during the prior week, but they’ve been subject to correction for incomplete or inaccurate counts like they were for the past two Thursdays. Last week’s originally reported 348,000 new claimants was corrected to show 364,000 Americans who lost jobs and income during the third week of March. Just as the count had been reported in each of the prior weeks ahead of corrected figures which the press conveniently ignores, news releases echoed a claim that the April 5 figure fell to a four year low of 357,000 new claimants for the week ending March 31, 2012.

The actual figure and corrections aren't as important as the overall rate of more than a million-and-a-half newly unemployed Americans who’ve filed for unemployment during each of President Obama’s 39 months in Office thus far. A weekly average topping 400,000 for the Obama Administration’s 166 weeks at the helm adds up to more than 66 million Americans who’ve filed for unemployment because of job losses since his inauguration in January 2009. Using the Employment Level data released by the BLS, that stunning number shows fully 45 percent of the American workforce in place when Obama took Office have lost jobs under this President. Like most other BLS data, the futility has reached historic levels on a range of counts which broadened statistical measures of employment post World War II. And the stunning, inarguable 45 percent doesn't include individual contractors or small businesses that have gone under, because they’re ineligible for unemployment and don't register with these otherwise mostly accurate counts.

If we’re trying to give a reflective picture of the country’s employment woes, it’s necessary to include another 13 million-plus college, high school, and trade school graduates who’ve tried to secure a place in the economy with jobs that don’t exist. If you add the 3.4 million H1B visas issued to legal immigrants who've found and secured a commitment for work to be eligible for such a visa to another 4-6 million illegal alien newcomers, 90 percent of whom are from Mexico according to summary data from DHS statistics, insourced workers appear to count in the 7.5 to 10 million range. Together, the groups have contributed another 20-million-plus prospective workers in search of jobs. Added to the 66 million new claimants from verifiable job losses, it’s clear that upwards of 86 million Americans have spent frustrating lengths of time and energy in search of work under the Food Stamp President. At least with historic increases in social services rolls like the 14.9 million Americans enrolled for SNAP in just three years, struggling Americans have some modest means for survival available. Most would rather have jobs.

Since media reports continue to suggest an improving economy, although nowhere near the 7.1% Unadjusted unemployment rate handed off to Obama in January of 2009 (LNU04000000), which remains the only month during Bush's 96 months as President to reach the 7% plateau, the question here is intended to ask for personal impressions from the Y!A Community.

Are you part of the 45% who’ve lost jobs since Obama took Office and how does the media reported recovery appear to have touched you personally? Do you see an economy that's improving, personal circumstances that have changed, or is the media spinning a tale to mislead for political reasons once again?