Are there Automatic Sports Bikes?


Apr 8, 2008
I've been watching videos on motorcycles lately. Ive been hearing people say things about the gears. It seems too hard to be shifting and be doing all that stuff.

Are there any sports bikes that are automatic. If there can you please name some. I don't know much about bikes I'm a teen. Is a mini bike good practice to start of?
There are very few automatics, and none of them are suitable for novice riders. Shifting is part of the fun of riding! You are best off starting on a small (around 250cc) bike and learning how to ride, including how to shift, and then trading up in a couple of years.
Not that I'm aware of. Honda makes an automatic crossover, the DN01, but have never heard much about them. At, first, clutching and shifting may seem difficult, but after you get used to it, you will never go back. If possible, I would highly recommend starting out on a dirt bike on private land away from roads to get the feel of things, and go from there. Good luck!
No motorcycles that are used for racing would ever use an automatic transmission.
Don't worry about the shifting, if you are capable of handling the bike the shifting is a breeze. Sport Bikes are well engineered , they are the smoothest, easiest shifting bike available. I rode an old Hondamatic, it was harder to control than a standard.
Honda makes an automatic motorcycle. but stick shift is more fun and you have more control over it.