Are the UFC fighters and fans gay / homo?


May 22, 2008
Everyone keeps telling me UFC are gay guys who like to touch eachother. They say people who fight and watch it are gay. is this true? When i watch it i feel uncomfortable also when there on the ground but i love to fight. what percent would u say that how many homos there are in the ufc and fans?
"Everyone keeps telling me UFC are gay guys who like to touch each other. " REALLY! All of your friends think UFC is disguised homosexuality, even though the majority of UFC fans are heterosexual males. Maybe YOUR friends are gay and they are watching it from that perspective. Or maybe YOU have some "unresolved" issues that you are trying to pawn off on your friends.

Plus, UFC is violent! even if it were two girls or a girl and a guy, seeing blood and punching and kicking, would bring out aggression not sensuality. If that's how you treat your "girlfriend" while making out, you need to see someone.
dude, ima kick your friend's ass mma style and if he calls me gay, then ima slap on a sub and break bones. or choke him out, then shit on his face.
dude, ima kick your friend's ass mma style and if he calls me gay, then ima slap on a sub and break bones. or choke him out, then shit on his face.
Hey each and every one of you: What, truly, are your preconceptions about homosexuality and masculinity? Are any of them true?
yeah i'll take the two points this is the dumbest question on here, your friend is obviously a moron, and doesn't know anything about the sport.
this is a sillly question.
i mean does it really matter?
if it's something you like to do, i suggest to keep watching it.
it's you're choiceee
well it is 2 pair of tap shorts away from being gay porn
so i would so diffidently along with mma
I don't think they are gay. have any of your friends tried grappling? its the last thing that people think about when they are trying to snap someones elbow. I know plenty of heterosexual guys (most of who are married) who do grappling at my gym so its not really guys who Just wanna touch each other, Your friends may have some issues! Do they have the same problem when its two women fighting?