are the products at the brooklyn superhero supplies real?


New member
Apr 17, 2010
I have seen this (also online) store-
but I dont know if the products are real, the page I was looking at was-
and to be specific I was talking about shape shifting
please help!

p.s. dont say anything till you are sure, or you could take a guess but make sure you say if you are guessing and have never read reviews of it or got it

thanks peoples!
The Superhero Store in New York is a knockoff of Dave Egger's Pirate Store in SF (Welcome to the store at 826 Valencia ). Dave Eggers is a radical who had a tiny publishing company, and wanted to get his writing friends to help tutor kids in the school system. They started the Pirate Store, because the building wasn't zoned for anything but commercial use, and a tutoring center/publishing company wouldn't fit the zoning.

Before long, however, the Pirate Store became a commercial success, as well as a major draw for kids. Today, the Pirate Store serves as an organizing center for a huge volunteer tutoring program with thousands of kids and thousands of volunteer tutors. The Superhero store in NY and the Time Travel supply store in LA are associated efforts. I think there's another one somewhere else, but I don't remember.
