Are the 2012 Doomsday Predictions True?


May 13, 2008
I have recently been overwhelmed with people telling me that 2012 is fake and that it is true and I want to know the truth and I'm kinda starting to freak out because if it is true I'm only 11 and my life wouldn't have even started yet. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Relax kid. On this planet there is always some idiot predicting the end of the world. There has been one doing it every few years for most of the last 5000 years... and this prediction is particularly screwed up.

It is actually the result of 4 "New Age" hippies who got high on some fairly powerful hallucinogenics and who each decided that the Mayan calendar said the world would end on that date. In fact according to the Maya themselves the end of the universe is not due for another 40 QUINTILLION years - but these guys were not only NOT able to read Mayan numbers they were stoned out of their minds

The only impressive coincidence is that they each had such incredible egos that they did not actually give each other any credit for "discovering" this, thus we must assume they are each making the same mathematical error in quadruplicate.
lol, Gosh i use to think like that before i went to Church...if yu are saved and beileve in God, and know that your soul is saved why are you worrying...and it'll be! Make me wanna get back in church! LOL!!!!!!
It isn't true, not even a little bit. Don't listen to anyone that says it's true, as they are just trying to sell you something.

The movie "2012" will probably be worse than any movie ever made in history, but do BOFFO box office!
It isn't true, not even a little bit. Don't listen to anyone that says it's true, as they are just trying to sell you something.

The movie "2012" will probably be worse than any movie ever made in history, but do BOFFO box office!
Here's a little snippet that should relax you:

"We humans are meant to have twelve strands of DNA, or six pairs. But hostile and controlling invaders engaged in genetic engineering so that we wouldn't have our communication with a higher authority, leaving us our current double strand of DNA,
"The invaders curse upon our DNA will be lifted at the end of 300, 000 years, which falls on December 21, in the year 2012. At that time, our five other pairs of DNA will be reconnected.

It is NOT the end of the world. It is the end of a measurement in time. Your a little young to be on this site, though, aren't you?
Okay babe, pretty much it might be might not. But many people believe soemthing IS going to happen. the entire thing is because the Mayan calender ends, and many other people believe that there will be a change in peoples perceptions of life (in a good way). There could be natural disaster BECAUSE of the change and people could die, but with todays technology really the chances of the whole world ending? not much. Also, its just going to be time to make our own far on did we expect the Mayans to go!? they wrote thousands of years worth, they must have got tired at some point. I say, live it up before than and should anything happen either it'll get good or bad. something WILL happen, just because everyone is freaking out because they think they are about to die. But, what people think will happen...chances are, won't.
it is apparently true the Mayan calender does say that the world will end but its said it for a few different dates so the only time the world will end is in the film that's coming out soon l0l
Live every day so it means something. You could be hit by a car and die tomorrow (my son was hit by a car last week, and 2 students from my school died in a car accident last weekend, so this one is close). When I was 11, everyone said 2000 was the end of the world. There have been lots of predictions about when the world will end, and we're still here. But guess what? Some people died those days- so the world did end for them! (Hmmm profound, eh?) There's a Bible verse that says "No man knows the day or the hour" so I figure if someone predicts a day, that day for sure won't be the one! lol. Don't live in fear, make your days count. Do good things for others, love people.
1) You're too young to be worrying (or on here for that matter)
2) The Mayan calendar (where 2012 originated from) has been used numerous times in the past to predict the end of the world. They have all been wrong. 2012 is when the calendar ends, but our calendar ends 31st December 2009 - it would be illogical to assume that's the end of the world too.
i too am 11 but the thing is even though many people said "he" predicted this and it came true.I believe that you can only wish for the best and the thing is that if indeed 2012 is "doomsday" then think there is reaally nothing we can do about it .As many people say" I could get hit by a bus tomarrow" so whats the diffrence in 2012.

You can't really predict tomarrow so how can a guy more hundreds of years ago perdict when and if doomsday is. when i say if i mean if it would be in the 2000s or even in the 20000s im just saying I coulld be wrong but how would anyne know.

ALSO maybe the mayans just got lazy lol jk