Are pro-lifers ever going to offer a logical alternative to abortion or r


New member
Nov 8, 2010
they just going to whine incessantly? until the end of time?

The Pro-lifers answers to abortion...

1) Adoption - Yeah, sure, as long as the child is a white female baby under the age of three. Those are the babies that people stand on line for. Then the white male babies under the age of three. Just make sure you aren't an HIV positive, black male teen.

2) Abstinence - Not a solution to the problem, more like scolding someone for leaving the barn door open.

3) Hmmm... guess that's about it.

Yeah, 3rd trimester abortions are dicey. Yeah, people should wear condoms. Yeah, people should wait until marriage. Yeah, people should fight off rapists. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Woulda, shoulda, coulda.


Until you have a real, practical, logical, sensible, acceptable solution to overpopulation, unwanted babies, and human stupidity, forcing every pregnancy to come to term is tantamount to creating life for the sole purpose of experiencing misery. Use your freaking melons for Pete's sake. Abortion is necessary.

Unless, of course you're all willing to take in EACH AND EVERY ONE of these babies in, feed them, clothe them, shelter them, educate them, and LOVE THEM, in the same fashion as you'd love your own children.

You aren't?

OH, then take a big spoonful of S-T-F-U!
let me see :
1-male condom
3-female condom
4-the morning after pill
5-the usual pill
6-uterus ring
for more contraceptions see the link
Always annoyed me that pro-lifers care more about the unborn fetus than they do about the child after it's born. "Abortion is wrong, but I don't want to pay for any social programs to help the mother/child".

feminenomicron or whatever, for all the trolling, has a point. The availability of abortion hasn't improved a goddam thing. There are now more teen pregnancies and bastard births than ever.

Want my solution? Offer $2000-3000 or so to any woman under the age of 25 (even the young ones - hey, lot of states let them have abortions without parental notification, right?) that is willing to be permanently sterilized (people will say that's sexist, but it's only sterilizing females that is effective. One male can knock up dozens of women). The kind of person that would sell their reproductive rights for a few grand is exactly the sort you don't want breeding. And this would be way cheaper for the taxpayer in the long run. And it would all be strictly voluntary. As soon as they ran short of crack money or flophouse rent they'd go for it.
They will just keep thumping their bibles. Sorry but reading stories from a book of fiction won't change my mind.
Likewise to you.

Your "reasoning" is self-serving and idiotic.

@ "Cassie"

(nodding her head, contemplative)

There are now more teen pregnancies and bastard births than ever.
I don't think anyone has proffered that abortion would stop teen pregnancies or "bastard" births. These are more the by-products of cultural ACCEPTANCE of those things. Back in the day, any teen who got preggers out of wedlock was sent off to the nunnery or wherever to give her baby up for adoption. So I'm not sure the numbers have gone UP, but rather teens are acknowledging they're pregnant in public. Not sure, though.

Pro-lifers just say to women to suffer the consequences of their actions naturally. It's an okay stance, as long as they keep their opinions out of my body. My biggest problem is that they don't then say, "Let's help these women" or "Let's have the men stand up and accept THEIR responsibility". They left THAT to the politicians, who screwed it all up.
The problem was solved before abortion was made legal. Abortion introduced numerous social ills. And now you're blaming pro-lifers? Pro-lifers are laughing at you and saying 'told ya so.
Adoption is a good idea. It does enable people to "feed them, clothe them, shelter them, educate them, and LOVE THEM, in the same fashion as you'd love your own children". Especially for those people who have fertility problems and can't have their own children. And how about the morning after pill?

These are logical. Abortion is what is not. It's an excuse for idiots to get out of a huge responsibility.
Someone on here asked a question the other day about rape and pregnancy and abortion. Someone said that the woman should take the pregnancy full term and allow a child-less couple to adopt it.


WHY should any woman be that selfless. Why should any woman carry a pregnancy full term, suffer the agony off labour to give birth to a child that was put there by force so some faceless couple could adopt it.

They really do make me sick sometimes.
Think of the reasons why women have abortions. Poverty, domestic violence, lack of sex education, lack of financial and emotional support for young mothers, lack of involvement from the father. If all these social problems were solved, then fewer women would choose to have abortions. Abortion is legal because it's easier and cheaper than actually solving the problems that leave many women feeling they have no choice but to abort. The alternative to abortion? A society which values and supports women and children.