Are evangelicals anti-Christs?

This looks like a commentary on hypocrisy.Here is a secret I've learned;the same conservative mindset that makes many religious also drives them to ignore Jesus' teachings some of which are revolutionary.Want proof? Ask religious persons what they think of war.The vast majority of them supported Bush's acts of blasphemy in Iraq and Afghanistan which have created the astonishing budget problems:mad: we now must face.
Matthew 5:43-44

Teaching about Love for Enemies

43 “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. 44 But I say, love your enemies!Pray for those who persecute you.

:close look:
no they are not what are evangelicals anyway??? Cant you just drop the denominational rubbish and get on with living YOUR life as best you can and trust Jesus is looking after everyone else each to his/her measure blessings and peace to you
apparently you do too since you're judging us. that, and what are some ways that we supposedly disobey God?
Not at all. In fact, A christian who doesn't preach the truth needs to take a spiritual inventory.
I thought Jesus was the first evangelist, - preaching and teaching the "Good News".