Are e-cigarettes a safer alternative to smoking for real?


New member
Aug 31, 2008
Okay here's the think. I've read all the sites. I know that smoking regular tobacco involves inhaling like 4000 chemicals while e-cigarettes only have like 4. I know the difference between Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerine. I know it's not FDA approved. I know smoking is awful for you.

My plan was to buy an e-cig pack and slowly work my way down (get like 18mg atomizers to start with, then move down to 11mg, then 8, then 4, then spend a month at 0 then put it away forever).

HOWEVER, I keep reading studies that say that e-cigarettes may be dangerous in a whole different way. Something about closing the throat more and preventing oxygen intake. So I'm unsure of what to do here. I read the stuff, but most of it is old and it's hard to find new studies. People who use them seem okay...but I'm kind of OCD about knowing all the info before I invest in something new (especially when it's quitting bad habits).

So, the question is: Are they ACTUALLY safer than smoking? I'm not going to switch and start getting a whole new list of awful symptoms from this? Thanks for your answers everyone!