Are celebrities under too much pressure from the media? ?


New member
May 22, 2008
Celebrities such as Britney Spears, Kerry Katona, Heather McCartney seem to be having very public breakdowns.

I genuinely like Britney & Kerry and I know a lot of people criticise them, and give them a hard time, but my thoughts go out to them. After Kerry's interview on This Morning yesterday, I have watched previous interviews she has done on Youtube. Even over the last year, she has had a number of ups and downs, and in several of them, she has looked close to tears and has mentioned the fact that the papers will have a field day from what she says.

They seem to be under constant scrutiny for their actions, and I think the papers etc seem to give them constant negative publicity. When have you ever seen headlines saying "Good Luck - Kerry's in Rehab"?

These people are fragile, and in my opinion are not getting the support they need. Instead, they are being portrayed as junkies etc with little regard from the pressure they are under with their constant bad publicity. I'm not saying the way they behave is acceptable, but when are people going to give them the break they deserve?