Are baseball fans nothing more then a revenue tool for the owners?


Jun 3, 2008
The billionaire owners pay the millionaire players that avoid and ignore the fans..
I live in Arizona so have been to a few spring trainings and i always see the players dodge the fans.
I did not attend any games this season because i felt sorry for how the fans just sit there like buttholes at the games as they are nothing more then a revenue tool. The players are already under contract so they could care less about the people that go to games..
Do you agree that you just go to games and sit there like a butthole and you are nothing more then a revenue tool for the owners?
Baseball is entertainment that costs money to enjoy. If you don't like how you're treated, stop going to games. It's true that fewer players give fans access to autographs and personal time, but in this day and age, it's as much a safety issue as it is anything else. All it takes is one lunatic to pull a Monica Seles fan on a player, and security keeps all fans away from all players. Cal Ripken would stay after games for several hours signing hundreds of autographs each night, which makes him the exception, but it also means his autograph is basically worthless, since there are millions of them out there.
Another thing that tends to happen is that signing autographs simply gets old. Get asked for your autograph once or twice here and there, and you feel as though it's an honor. Have it happen millions of times over the course of several years, and you begin to dread the sight of a fan with a pen and notepad in his/her hand. Not to say it's right to deny a kid an autograph, but if it happens, it's not realistic to take it personally.
Totally agree, when I was 8 I went to get Carlos Delgado's autograph when he was with the Toronto Blue Jays, he was my favourite player at the time. He shunned me, gave me a stare and watched straight into the dugout back to the locker room. Especially since baseballs reputation has been ruined with all the steroid use you'd think that the commissioner would make it more mandatory to try to give back to the fans...