Are all guys just after sex?

Not all are but most will get inside your pants even if they could care less about you. Some women are the same way. (Sometimes women also dress in ways like your picture here that sends the message that theya re available for casual encounters and thus invite more forward behavior)

However, as you discovered, it sort of bastardizes sex into something a whole lot less meaningful and what does it say about your worth? Sex for a woman, by its very nature in internal and when men only use you for their pleasure it gets hard after a while to see it as the meaningful and highest fulfillment of a woman to give herself to the man she loves.

Welcome to the casualty department in the sexual revolution. Not everything about free sex is without cost to ourselves.
NO. absolutely not. If all guys were just after sex nobody would be in meaningful and successful relationships. You just had a bad experience where both of those guys were looking for some. Some guys that go up to talk to you might just want to be friends with you. You can't judge all men by a single experience you had. I'm a straight guy and sex is one of the last things on my mind when I go talking to female strangers.
all the guys you are attracting are just interested in sex. all the decent guys wouldn't wanna be with you if you are fu cking everybody and anybody so in essence your choices are attracting the wrong guys because you have a reputation for being easy... you are really devaluing yourself. get some self respect and change!! it's not too late! you probably mess with so many guys because you need the attention you never got from your father.. am I right? and in reality it leaves you empty and cold the next day because you know none of these guys you are banging really even care about you!

you deserve love and thoughtfulness, so quit being a slut and find a good man who will treat you like a lady.
This question has an easy answer: no. Not all guys are just after sex.
It depends from the personality, from what a person is looking for, from what you let them think about you.
If they did that, they talked and behaved to you in certain ways it's probably because they knew that you would have consented.

We are not perfect, we are not all the same!
Just keep looking for the right one :)
Try to skip the ones you know are easy, focus on other ones.

And dont blame us only: our attitudes depend from your ones also!
I think the question is 'is all you're after is sex' according to what you just did and maybe you're friends didn't think you were like that!
Ok maybe stop consuming alcohol because either you were drunk or you're a whore maybe both your pick if you're both we can upgrade you to pirate hooker
um, so you're saying all guys want sex when you just let your co worker sleep with you? wtf....
edit: i agree with sparkle
Judging by your picture on here, my guess is that you are sending out some pretty strong signals that you want that kind of attention. Ask your self what do you want. You could have turned down the make out session and the offer to have sex... but you didn't.
Try toning it down a little. You can be conservative and sexy! Think about some one some guy would want to take home to mom not just a one night hot fling. If you become some one to take home to mom, the line of guys just waiting there turn to get into your pants will go away.
Scientifically, yes. Unlike women, who's hormones are a bit more complicated, men are wired to have sex. Look up some articles on hormones and the effects of testosterone. It's just a natural occurrence. Seriously, WE CAN'T HELP IT.