are acai berry pills that sell at gnc any good for weight loss?


New member
Sep 5, 2009
i know that the best way it to just exercise n eat right i do that but its its still hard to lose one pound i go to the gym weight lift n cardio 4 out 7 times a week sometime 5 but i need help in losing some weight
If they are the real thing its the same with the green tea helping you only its its 100 percent will it even do anything. I know if your desperate GNC has a juice to kill 5 pds in 2 days its just the point of keeping it off that you gotta figure out. But it works great for a last minute gotta fit into that dress juice!
I think that whole thing is a scam. All it essentially is, is an antioxidant, which you can get for cheaper. I tried the pills and the powder for drinks and I noticed nothing. Plus it's expensive.