April Fool's Star Wars Tauntaun Sleeping Bag May Become an Actual Product [Star Wars]


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
Sensing a cash money opportunity, the folks at ThinkGeek are going to take a shot at actually producing their April Fool's Star Wars Tauntaun Sleeping bag. Lucasfilm is the only thing standing in their way.

ATTN Tauntaun Fanatics! Due to an overwhelming tsunami of requests from YOU THE PEOPLE, we have decided to TRY and bring this to life. We have no clue if the suits at Lucasfilms will grant little ThinkGeek a license, nor do we know how much it would ultimately retail for. But if you are interested in ever owning one of these, click the link below and we'll try!

If there is one thing I know, it's that Lucasfilms never passes on a cash money opportunity...NEVER. [ThinkGeek via OhGizmo via Crunchgear]
