Anyone think the UFC PPV prices will ever drop?


New member
Jun 11, 2008
They keep having more and more PPVs a year and I don't see how they can expect people with friends who dont watch ufc.

Do you see them ever lowering the price?
to be able to pay for every ppv
If anything, it would go up. It's doubful that they would lower the price unless we could get every person in the world to boycott ufc ppv until they lower the price. They charge that much, because people are willing to pay it.
huh? incomplete don't see how they can expect people w/ friends who don't watch ufc and?

to answer your question NO
My fiance and i get every fight and it is INCREDIBLY expensive, so when we can, we get our friends to throw $5 on it. We had to get the first one and just asked other people to bring food and beer ect.. but after that everyone was cool with throwing in on the next few. And no they arent going to lower the price