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Mar 18, 2009
1 introduction? symptoms of child abuse
The word ‘abuse’ as identified in the English dictionary meaning to make wrong use of; to mistreat; to insult, attack verbally. Misuse; mistreatment; insulting language. If we look at this whole definition of abuse we can have an idea of what Victoria Climbie had to go through as we earlier discovered in our previous assignment. We found out that Victoria Climbie was murdered and abused by her carer and her boyfriend. The signs and symptoms were all marked upon her body from each injury that she may have had. The signs and symptoms of Victoria Climbie are the following: .... Signs are what you can see. Symptoms are what the individuals feel.
There are many different types of abuse. I will be describing six types of child abuse which are these are for example; intellectual, sexual, neglect, bullying and harassment, emotional and physical.
I will begin by explaining what exploitation is a bold achievement to utilise, develop (raw materials) to take unfair advantage of, esp for financial gain.