anyone lost any weight on nintedo wii fitness board?


May 30, 2008
i want to loose some weight and bought a nintendo wii fitness board and i was just woundering if people have actually lost weight to where you can notice you have lost weight
If you use it often, I couldn't see why you wouldn't loose weight. Just remember to eat healthy. Most people think that just because they work out a lot, means they will loose the weight.

You must eat fewer calories than you are burning. I would recommend also getting Dance Dance Revolution, as that is another calorie burning game that can be lots of fun.
I know for a fact that Dance Dance Revulution is a great game for losing weight. I have this one friend who tried it and he went on it for about an hour to two hours each day and he actually lost some weight...however you need the DDR boeard with it, i don't think you use the Wii board. I haven't heard of anyone lose weight on that yet.
only if you commit,
plus you might wanna do some ther workouts as well,

I have seen results, plus its fun!
It depends on how well your committed. If your eating right as well and working out everyday for a fair amount for a fair amount of time im sure you will notice a change in your body while having fun !