Anyone know of a good way to convert DVD Video_TS files to a single x264 file?


New member
Apr 28, 2008
I took my entire library of DVD's and ripped them to the computer. Each video TS folder contains 4-10 VOB files. Is there a program that is (hopefully) free that will convert them to a single video file in x264 format with a resolution of 854x480 (or slightly smaller)? I want to be able to carry them around and play them on either my Android phone or Android tablet. I've tried Handbrake and failed, AnyVideoConverter and failed. AnyVideo makes an Android conversion program but its like $30.

Anyway, what does the YA community think?

P.S. Yes, I own all these videos and could upload a picture of the DVD jackets. I'm not looking for "pirating" help. Legitimate and legal fair use though...