Anyone here from Dundee?


Feb 26, 2008
I've been largely away from MAP for a few years - is anybody here from Dundee in Scotland? If so, can you drop by this thread and say hi. I feel like I've been in the wilderness......
I am - although I've just started really - did Karate about 15 years ago for about 1 year, and went to my first kickboxing class on Monday, although having trouble with an injured wrist
I'm from Dundee. Dont post here much now but have a wee look in now and again
Im from Dundee, started doing KickBoxing with Bill Isles, althought also suffering a severe injury to the wrist that ive had for like 4 years, hurts liek hell after practice.
Hi Hawndo,

Where do you train? I train Mon+Weds at Ancrum Kickboxing in the Seagate.

I've also got a wrist injury (fractured scaphoid 8 years ago), but I use handwraps which mean I get pretty much no pain (ibuprofen helps too!).
I really like it - go twice a week, although in saying that I'd like to train on the weekends too, maybe doing Muay Thai. If you're over 18, the kickboxing class at Ancrum might be ideal for you...
Hi all, good to hear that there's a Tayside presence still on board.
I had to curtail teaching MA for 3 years now, and am pretty excited about starting again.
I'll be reopening my wing chun class in October. Hope I've not lost my mojo......
I'm not, been there though, I love the city lol. I'm from Falkirk but my Dad supports Dundee United...can I be a part of this thread?
Im going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess from your avatar photo-likeness that you are Richard. ^^

Its Jim here, who you may remember from Jerry's club.
Was just passing here and thought I would /wave.

Presently not up to a lot myself.
Dundee's not the wilderness, not when you grew up in Coupar Angus

That's maybe why I live in Bristol now.

Big up the Perth Massive!!!
Excellent work Sherlock - cheeky git. LOL

How's family life then Jim? Heard from Craig recently?

I managed to get Jerry out of 'retirement' recently - good to start getting the rust off again. Good to hear from you...
Sporran, love the picture of the ape.
You're from Dundee.
Do you really want me to finish that old limerick?
Hey Jamief, sory about the huge delay delay, had loads of stuff on the go!

I train at a hall across from St Johns High School with Bill Eyles, I was considering goin to the Ancrum school but heard the Bill Eyels Kick Boxing Sport Karate School was a bit better for beginners.

So how have you been finding it?

My wrist injury is loostening up now, though I hurt my hip-flexor, silly ass football :p
Hi Hawndo,

I started at Ancrum in March last year or so... been enjoying it since. Well, I enjoy the Wednesday class which is taught by Jim, the Monday class taught by Joe is often pretty poor, so I'm going to just train Wednedays from now on! How about your class, any good?

My wrist has been fine since that first week, not had any bother. I actually think it is stronger than since I started!
Eh'm fae Dundee 'n ah! (translation - I also hail from Dundee!)

The city that thinks it's a small town...

I wouldn't change it though - it's been voted the most pleasant place to drive in the U.K. (we think a 3 minute delay is a traffic jam round these parts) and although it has its share of rough areas, it's got plenty of green spaces, some good sports facilities,world class Uni and teaching hospital, great schools, a beach, hills, scenery, and of course my little family.

I do like Ancrum in the Seagate - it's really handy for ordering bits and pieces, my swords, spare breeks and the like,

but.... I've seen the video on the website for their kids class, and it looks absolutely jam packed - fair enough but I'm used to seeing about 15 kids in the big gymnasium up at DISC for our kids classes, so the Ancrum Kids class looks pretty sardine like to me.

Anyway, enough rambling on- Hi to everyone here from Dundee, and to everyone who comes from Dundee or even just popped by for a visit.
What's that hotel on the edge of the city? Big old building. Queen or Princess or something royal. Used to stay there a lot working. Nice Place was it this one? along from the Old Steeple and City Churches in the City Centre? Plenty of pubs nearby?

tbh I didn't think of it as that nice - I've only ever been there for dinner dances, and they're held in the basement, iirc.