I find it interesting that everyone has said that Edward seems like an abusive spouse, yet somebody actually found Jacob to be a better option...considering Jacob tried (and succeeded in) emotionally blackmailing Bella in Eclipse. I personally love these books, although it is concerning and scary when you see people who pretend Edward isn't fictional...that's taking it to the extreme. The thing that I find the most amusing about the original post is that the poster's main problem with Twilight is that it's all about a girl wanting a guy and then she says we should read classic literature like Pride and Prejudice...have you even read that? It is ALL about women trying to snag men, not just that, but men with money preferably. At least Bella's attraction to Edward isn't because he's rich. I will admit that their relationship is unlikely but literature is full of relationships like theirs from Jane Austen to the Grimm Brothers, ones full of love at first site based on nothing but their love for each other.

I can't make you like this book, you can't make me like it. Personally I prefer Stephenie Meyer's "vegetarian" vampires to Anne Rice's ambiguously bisexual vampires but it really comes down to personal preference. To each their own. :)
I've read Twilight. Twice. Once because there's been a ridiculous amount of hooplah around it and again because after loathing it the first time I wa convinced I just wasn't "reading it right".

Trust me, second time around, it's still horrible.

Ms. Meyer writes the way I did when I was twelve years old, doodling in my journal. Bella is a Mary Sue, obviously. Look at Stephanie Meyer and read the description of Bella. Meyer obviously had the thought that, "Well, I want her to be perfect but someone will notice, so I'm just gonna make her clumsy to cover it up, tee-hee." And her claiming that she's never been to a writing workshop or read any original vampire novels is hardly surprising. Sticking to the "basics" of vampires is not even neccessary in a novel, but she makes it abundantly clear that she's never even turned the pages in one of Anne Rice's books. She needs to pick up Interview with a Vampire, 'Salem's Lot, and Dracula. She then needs to commit them to memory. Twilight had no soul, no pain. It was like chewing on cardboard. In Interview with a Vampire I found myself nearly crying at each character's agony- all THREE or FOUR of them. That's all it took. But it Twilight, Meyer gives off the impression that she doesn't understand that quality is better than quantity. A 400 plus pages does not a novel make. The Great Gatsby was like. What. 100-some pages? It wasn't a freaking weight.

People above me keep bringing up how the characters were "perfect" and, I hate to sound redundant, but I completely agree. Edward may be some sort of anti-human whatever, but he's STILL A MAN. Sleeping in Bellas bed and not even having a THOUGHT? Dear LORD, every man in that book was a freaking woman with a penis! Oh, except for in whatever the last book was where he decides he's gonna make a move in that field of whatever. (I didn't read the book, I got a brief synopsis from a friend.) The only time he acts like a MAN is at a completely innapropriate time. It was like Meyer sat down, stopped, and said, "Wait! Holy crap, this guy has balls! Better compensate!"

What I think is that Meyer is not only is living in a fantasy world, but she just got lucky. Every dog has his day, I suppose and she just happened to have hers at the decline of the Harry Potter books. This book wouldn't bother me so much if they weren't so popular, let alone taught in English classes like one person mentioned. And why are we teaching the absolutely ugly, mundane, Twilight and not the beautifully written Vampire Chronicals?

Oh, because the vampires are bisexual. Yes, let's read about 2-Dimensional damsel-in-distress Mary Sue bitches because we don't wanna offend some child's young, innocent heart. Because we all know there isn't sexuality and flaw in the real world. No way.

I'm sure Stephanie Meyer isn't a bad person, but she can still suck my metaphorical dick.

I will say I did Love the books but, I wasn't crazy like my friends. They get so annoying. Like one has to write EC everywhere on her notebook, the sidewalk, trees, on shirts, pants, and on her arm. I hate the book because on what it does to people. OTher then That I love it. The only real reason I love it Is because of Jacob Black, He is the only person in the book that CAN be real. Bella is a fucked up bitch. When she is with Edward she is all over him and when she is with Jacob she is all over him! It annoys the shit out of me. They both love her and she plays with them like toys...Edward is pretty Bad to. Can't wait for the last book so I can find out If the bitch dies...I hope she does.
I thought the series already ended and Mayer was just making another version of it from Edward's point of view (which is so pathetic since any good writer would be able to convey his emotions in ONE book series).
I am a devoted twilight-hater. Personally, I think that the whole series is an abomination to humanity and it should be burned on a bonfire along with the insane fan girls who can't tell fictional characters from real people. Yes, that's right, Edward Cullen doesn't really exist. Build a bridge and get over it. It is basically just the drivel of a juvenile, so called 'writer' tacked onto a front cover with many, awful sequels. The characters, if you can call them that, resemble the piece of cardboard that I used for my Art project (which if you've seen that you would gasp); they are shallow and complete idiots. How do you have scorching eyes? I really need to know how to do that. Bella is a monstrosity, her only flaw is her clumsiness which only happens when Edward can rescue her in a whirl of lovey-dovey crap. Meanwhile he only seems to like her for her smell, which is kind of creepy if you ask me. And watching someone while they asleep? This strikes way too much of some pscyho-stalker, oh my god maybe we've finally found Edward's flaw. But I mean why does this book get so much hype? The hype probably pisses me off more than the crap that Meyer tries to instil her books that we shouldn't have sex before marriage. No offence intended. Since when did she become the Pope? Frankly the view of the world that Meyer portrays in her books is way too simplistic. What kind of message are we sending to teenage girls who identify with Bella? That we should give up all our hobbies, goals, friends and family (did she even have any goals? I couldn't work that out, she seemed like a useless blob to me)? New Moon disgusted me in particular: fine her boyfriend left, it's not like is world is blowing up, according to the book Bella already has a long line of guys drooling after her: problem solved. Just choose one of them and use them for your twisted ways like you used Jacob. He actually was the only character that wasn't half bad because he wasn't a total dimwit and had something in his head which might have even passed for a brain. Furthermore the fact that Bella seems to be so disregarding of humans just depresses me. Fine we're human, you don't have to be a vampire to be interesting. It would have been much better if Jacob and Edward discovered they were gay: no sequels, no whiny Bella. Amen to that.
"umm how old are you?
you cant even spell fantasy!!"
In response to that:how old are you? You can't haven't discovered the caps lock key.
I will write this post civilly. Twilight is not a well-written book.

Just face it, Twilight-lovers. The writing quality is not good at all. I read it twice (as some others noted: once because my friends were raving about it, and a second time because I couldn't believe such a popular book could be so bad and I was convinced I was reading it badly) and I could feel my brains turning to mush and leaking out of my ears as I was reading it.

And I AM a teenage girl, but fortunately, I have read enough classics and developed a fairly good sense of what quality writing is, to recognize that Twilight is a highly repetitive, often uncreative story about a selfish, pitifully clumsy girl and a perfect, vampire being who fall in love. There is basically no story after that. Just Edward rescuing Bella numerous times.

And what ever happened to falling in love? Was that completely skipped over? It seems as if they each knew they were in love without the actual stages of awkwardness, shyness and sweet moments that make reading about people falling in love actually enjoyable and pleasurable.

As an unregistered member above me said, "It was like chewing on cardboard." Indeed it was. Untouched by reality, imperfection and human-like reactions, it is stuffed full of flawless people, repetitive scenes and descriptions and plain non creativity when it comes to vampire lore.

My other problem is Bella. It is NOT because I am 'in love' with Edward Cullen (His description is actually FAR from 'my type') because I most certainly am not. It is because I find her so totally selfish and stubborn. Her sarcasm is sickeningly overused and she comes off as a smart-alec almost immediately. This may just be my personal opinion, but I'd like to read a book for once where the protagonist is kind and has good morals (apparently having morals has gone out of is evident in Bella's lust of Edward in Eclipse-I wish she had more self-control).

Well, I have better things to do than bash about a bad book. See you.
Im so sick of hearing about twilight. I read the first book with my YOUNGER sister's warning that the entire plot revolved around 'how beautiful and perfect Edward is'.

I agree that it is directed at tween/young teen audiences. However, the amount of adults that drool over this book is disgusting. I was in the movie theater the other evening to see Sex and the City and a Twilight movie trailer came on. Girls squealed. Seriously??? The viewing of sex and the city was restricted to people 17 and older. (R rated) Why were people squealing??? It makes me sad. :mad:... and angry

On top of that it makes me sick to imagine what kind of image this is putting in young girls' heads. Let a MAN COMPLETE YOU?? CHANGE yourself??? Don't plan for the future??? Its absolutely disgraceful.
a 100 year old zombie vampire falls in love with a minor because he likes the way she smells

but its ok becuase hes hot
definitely true love

when i read this^^ it made me laugh a lot
The fact is, it's a book. I'm an 18 year old girl, and I love it. People like reading books to take them to another place. I know that love isn't some super fantastical thing and I won't be saved by a perfect vampire, but it's always fun to take your mind to somewhere besides reality. Hence the reason for fiction books. As for having it as a reading assignment in English...maybe not. Stick with Faulker, Steinbeck, and Shakespeare.
I too want to react (though I doubt anyone is going to read this) (NB: If I write any mistakes, it's because English isn't my native language, not because I am some overreacting 12-year-old who hates everyone that doesn't like what she likes)

I'd really love to have a proper discussion about the things all these people have said (some things true, some not at all), but, as nobody of them is going to read this, I'll just say this:

It's not right to hate a book because there are too many other people who like it too much and express their opinions in a rather compulsive way

It's not right to hate a book because there are other books out there that are better... I've read some classics too (I'm only beginning, but I do read them untranslated), but you can't make people read books they don't want to read, and you can't stop them from reading the ones they do read.

Have you ever thought about all the fans who are NOT obsessive 13-year-olds? Do you truly believe that the book would have as many adult fans (and even male, non-gay fans) if there was nothing more than a Mary Sue and a really hot guy who loves her? I know there's more, and I would love to hold a lecture, but I'll stop my already too long post here.

Thanks for reading! (I really hope SOMEONE will read this... How sad to talk to myself)
ok. i have some questions 2 ask you before i start fuming.

1.ARE YOU INSANE!?1?!?!?!?!?!
3.What is your name, address and phone number, just so that i can track you down ank kill You with my super awesom vampire powers THAT I AQUIRED FROM READING THE SERIES!!!!!!!!!! you WANT a cult of angry twilight luvers like mysef at your doorstep at night trying to behead you????? you shouldnt voice an absurd oppinion like this on the internet.
5.(this isnt a question, more of a statment.) you must have not read much good litterature in youre life, because if you cannot appreciate the quality of this art.....YOU ARE MENTALLY UNSOUND!!!!!!!
6.thank you i think i am done fuming.(*takes a deep breath)
7.pls email me at [email protected] i would luv 2 argue with you firther.
byebye, you are insane

I mean I hate twilight, and I'm more than happy to listen to reason as to why it is a good novel but that, whatever that was, was not good logic. This book, to me primarily feed Vampire Fetish in teenage girls, which is fine, because I guess I have a little vampire fetish also, but once you look past that, this book is full of flaws. The main character Bella, who is suppose to be average in order for the reader to relate to her, is painfully plain. She has no real qualities and lacks a strong personality. I find her "likable" in the loosest sense of the word. Then all the cullens are all stunningly perfect. They have super powers, can live forever, are wealthy, extremely good looking, intelligent and their one weakness it would seem (melting in the sun) has been turned into somewhat of a novelty.

This is not good literature. I've read good literature, I read bad literature, and this is definitely bad literature. The writing isn't horrible, true but the plot is horrible cliche. This can't compare to classics like Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights (in fact I am pained that they do compare this in the book), The Great Gatsby etc etc. I also hope that your spelling improves if we should ever talk again.

Although I'm aware that Twilight has a cult following, we should all be able to express our opinions. When I first read it I loved it. Crazily. I get through each book in a day, however in hindsight it really is quite appalling. It's a "fun read" losing yourself in a world where all these hot guys like you, but it is a HUGE overstatement to say it is "good literature".
Wow, everyone seems so worked up about this. Personally, I'm 20 and read the series with no recomendation from anyone and no idea about it. And I love it. Mind you, I'm one of those girls who would love to be taken care of, with someone to love them faults and all. The book really is just a fictional book, and I find myself sometimes wishing that a guy like Edward really did exist, but that's all it is; wishful thinking. Everyone knows that such a faultless man would never exist (come on, males actually caring about US for a change) and I guess that's what is so appealing to me and others.

And I've read Pride and Prejudice, and I've read Emma and I like them too, (and I've seen the movies and I LOVE YOU COLIN FIRTH!!) but I could read Twilight over and over again because It's my world I like to escape to, just for a while before coming back to this world where my fiance has no clue about the workings of the female mind and most men are pigs. So, you are most certainly entitled to your opinions, but fiction is fiction and that's all it is meant to be taken as. You really can't analyse these books because they are written for the readers pleasure, not to stimulate their mind. To those who don't like the books, I admire you for stating your opinion and your obvious appreciation for the classics. And to those who like the series, I'm with you all the way and I wish you all the luck in the world for finding your true love...just remember that human males do have faults...and no one can be as perfect as Edward ;)
I have to admit, before Twilight was a popular book, before every teenage girl knew the who Edward Cullen was, I recieved a copy of the book and absolutely fell in love. Reading Twilight was a sick obsession because it fulfilled my teenage fantasy--how a sexy and seemingly flawless vampire could fall in love with a clutsy, average teen. Now looking back on the entire series I can't say I have the same affection for the books as I did before Eclipse came out. The series just seemed to lose its charm.

Bella is an extremely difficult character to deal with. She's whiny, melodramatic, annoying and unbearably vulnerable always being saved by one of many sexy men in her life who would jump off a building for her (for no reason that I can think of. her personality isn't remotly attractive and according to the author, she's quite plain physically). No doubt a Mary Sue. And the fact that whenever Edward is having a controlling moment she complies with his every command granted with the occasional huff and whine. It gets old after 300 pages, you know?

Edward is sexy, strong, intelligent and romantic. Perfect. Any flaws? Oh yeah, he lusts after Bella's blood. Which so happens to be the main reason for his extreme interest in her. Now, if he weren't so attracted to Bella's blood in the first place, would the two 'star crossed lovers' still fall madly in love? Perhaps. But I doubt it. The thing that irritates me most about Edward is how depressing and morbid he can be. True, he is a vamp and that itself is pretty morbid, but come on. Leaving Bella because his 'brother' almost killed her without at the very least talking it out with Bella? A bit ridiculous, and people would argue he explains his reason in the book but I don't buy it. I just think Meyer didn't know what to do with a second book and decided Edward leaving then coming back would make for a good story.

I don't necessarily hate the series, the books have simply turned into guilty pleasures for me. Like someone said in an earlier post, the books are just for the readers pleasure. Oh, and to those saying Meyer's no Jane Austin, or naming other famous authors/authoresses... of course she's not! No one is going to be another Jane Austen or Emily Bronte simply because everyone's literay techniques and writing styles are different. Meyers writing style had a little too much repitition on some words, and she could've spiced up her adjectives a little more. Obviously not a classic, but it's fiction and easy to read with an appealing idea. It just so happened to be successful.
I an a teen girl and I have read Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. when I first started the book I really liked it. A nice light read, the main character wasn't some perfect plastic doll, but that all changed very quickly. I just picture this skinny things as Bella. If she was in my class I wouldn't like her very much. She's clingy! I know she's never had a boyfriend before, but come on. And Edward staring at her while she sleeps just screams creeper. I must admit when i first read his description i adored him. Looks are the first thing everyone notices. But after that it was all Bella ever explained about him. When I read that Edward sparkled I just thought of rainbow fish. And when he left Bella was swiss cheese holding her hole together in her stomach. But at least actually she has some sexual intent, but Edward? Saving it for marriage. I understand that that's important to some people, but if he loves Bella like he continually says he shouldn't let some marriage contract say he can or can't. then there the whole pedophile thing. I thought about it, and I guess he doesn't age so his taste doesn't either. When Bella stopped Edward from fighting in the battle I wanted to slap her. Hello! there's an army of newborns to fight and she makes him stay with her just because she can't be alone with him. I think Jacobs character is much much better. He actually has some personality. I'm glad Bella chose Edward he deserved so much better. when I go to the book opening with my mates, who are obsessed and dragging me there, I will dress like an emo and say I just got dumped by Edward. and I probably with get bitched at but I'm entitled to my opinion, just like the book lover's are. Just when they say their opinions ( a majority anyhow) all the can come up with is threats, Edward's hot, and msn spelling.
I despise this series. I was introduced to them by a sadly over-obsessed friend who would actually laugh, cry and go into a daze while reading it. Sadder still is the fact that she is not a 14-year-old teeny bopper but a 19-year-old lunatic. Really, I worry.
So deep is her obsession that I was forced to read excerpts from forthcoming volumes on the Stephenie Meyer website and given weekly slabs of printed off fanfic and told to ring her after reading them so we could discuss these stories by others suffering from Twilightitis - disturbingly, it's reaching epidemic proportions. I was then subjected to her glaring eyes and cold shoulder when I'd finally had it and told her to bugger off. I may not have taken such a severe dislike to these books if they hadn't been so violently shoved down my throat, but nevertheless, I'd still have had trouble controlling my bile ducts.
Seriously, an unborn child could produce better literature. To test this theory I locked a pregnant volunteer in a test lab with pen and paper and released her a week later to find myself emersed in pages of Austen-esque prose written by the woman's 3-month-old foetus.
To quote biteme-twilight<3: "What is your name, address and phone number, just so that i can track you down ank kill You with my super awesom vampire powers THAT I AQUIRED FROM READING THE SERIES!!!!!!!!!!" Let me burst your bubble before you float too high - YOU DO NOT ACQUIRE SUPERNATURAL POWERS BY READING A SHODDILY WRITTEN TWEEN NOVEL! No matter How hard you wish, it's highly unlikely that you'll wake up one morning to find that you've sprouted fangs and will remain forevermore as a tweeny fangirl. I ask, might I have YOUR name and address so I can mail you a dictionary and a few decent books. If I'm feeling generous, I might even send you new brain.
I've heard that Twilight is this generation's Mills & Boon. If this be the case, I weep for the future.
Okay, I have to say I do LOVE Twilight!!! But as I read all your post I noticed that you guys are kinda right. :0

You see I am a Jacob fan and I utterly hate Edward. The only reason I still read the series is because of Jacob. I also hate Bella she is annoying her whole personality sucks and everything about Edward being flawless pisses me off. Meyer isn't a great writer but she does have a big imagination and I can honestly say that I love her other book the Host (it isn't a popular because every one is still hooked with the Twilight series)
But if Stephenie Meyer ever comes across this post (i doubt) I would like to say one thing, you should stick with your character personalities as you can see In Eclipse Edward is totally different he isn't flawless anymore and he becomes a total over-protective jerk and in New Moon Bella becomes this selfish bitch and I know in books the characters are suppose to grow but you just changed them into monsters (knowing Edward is already one but you know what I mean). The only character who didn't change would be Jacob hes still his goofy self and for all you Jacob haters out there kiss my ass! Okay there is no such thing as an Edward hes to fake I'd rather have a Jacob someone who can actually function like a human. If Stephenie started of with the werewolves in Twilight instead of the vampires I think allot of you guys here would like the book allot more. And if anyone thinks that I'm Team Jacob...I'm not I don't want Jacob to end up with a bitch like Bella...He's too good for her and deserves better so the only thing I'm waiting for in Breaking Dawn is for Jacob to imprint and for him to throw Edward and Bella of a cliff :D

Lets just say In my world New Moon is the first book and not Twilight

I agree with you completely. I find it truly hard to believe that some girls are actually drawing "bite marks" on their necks because of the books. I only read the first page, and that was enough for me. There are MUCH better books out there, and people need to realize that. Obsession isn't healthy, period. Books are books, but you don't have to go to war over a Gary-Stu. One day, I'll publish a book...
agreed .

twilight . new moon , eclipse, breaking dawn , i dont fucking care.
the book sucks. its predictable and shows that woman have no power when
it comes to finding the" perfect man " . all my friends all are having little parties on
edwards birthday, making complete fools of themselfs and calling this "book" the "bible" .
its terrible . and they dont "socially" accept those who dont like or read the book.
seriously, its a book , its never going to happen . and you CANNOTTT fall in love with
a fictional character. edward cullen, DOESN'T EXIST. neither do vampires or perfect families where everyone loves eachother and everyones drop dead gorgeous.
please. read something that will impact on your life ,
not turn your brain to mush .

chaantall .