Anybody Want To Join My New Religion?


May 25, 2008
We don't go to church...once in a while we gather to share life experiences and share ideas...we just live good lives according to how we want others to do onto us...we believe that any good person in life has a shot at whatever rewards await on the other side. We have no outdated stories to make you memorize, no complicated belief system to attempt to digest, no Elizabethan dialect here either...we believe in some concept of something greater than us...but everything else? Hey who really knows, we understand that we are only humans that have been put here, and we, as well as the rest of humankind is still evolving...What we believe today may be wrong tomorrow...we don't condemn others because we think they are wrong, or they haven't accepted God's middle man or don't cover their women up...We do not try to impose our opinions on the rest of the world...No money to donate, no leaders to follow...

So anybody interested??? You can even keep your old religion we don't worry about that...well...then again our philosophy may clash with the "this is the only way" mantra.
We welcome Atheist into our congregation, we hear them out without trying to convert...
what the hell, were not perfect so we can slip and let the strippers in
and btw its a point i'm really trying to get at here folks
hmmm...just call me when the male strippers leave