Any tips on how to find the most comprehensive apps for iPhone?


New member
Aug 12, 2010
I had iphone 2G for nearly 3 years. Just upgraded to an iphone 4 yesterday. I didn't really do much with apps on the 2G with the exception of a very few really useful ones.

I am finding the speed of the iphone 4 is making the selection of apps actually useful. AirProjector, GPS / pedometer tracker, TeamViewer and bar code scanner.

I am noticing for some of these 'categories' there is TREMENDOUS overlap with features. Like exercise. Just about every app has "guides for each specific exercise", and for every bar code scanner app, they all say "we scan bar codes and look at shops that contain that item", but each one has something the others lack.

I don't mind paying for apps, but I have noticed you can pretty much get every pay app for free in just a different version.

Are there any tips for finding the most comprehensive apps in a specific category, like "bar code scanning", without having to download 20+ different apps, all of which are highly rated and testing them.

Some of the categories have clear front runners for each individual niche, but others are not so cut and dry.

Suggestions? I use appbzr to look for price drops and hot apps but even it isn't very specific. Maybe there is an app for finding the best app for a specific niche within the "category".

IE, Games isn't broken down into Tower Defense games. You have to dig for hours to find them all.
Jail break, down load installous, trial the apps for free, buy the ones you like.

Read the reviews. You will mostly see a lot of crap posted by people who dont even have a clue. But there will be a couple of decent reviews far enough down.

Ask for itunes gift cards for christmas. Sometimes its just trial and error.

You can get most paid apps in a free version. The free version will be loaded with tons of adds, or stripped down to one or two features. Games will generally be reduced to a handful of levels compared to the full game.