Any snacks out of the INSANITY nutrition guide that won't ruin my results?


New member
Feb 17, 2013
Okay so Im finishing up month one of INSANITY and I just wanted to know if you can give me some info if there are any snacks I can eat to replace one of my 400 cal. meals or one of my Food Blocks? I won't be disappointed if you tell me "No, just stick with your diet and you'll be fine", because I have mostly been following the nutrition guide perfectly. But I have been craving cookies with milk since a week ago but I don't want to break my cycle. So if you recommend a specific brand of cookies that I can drink with fat free milk instead of one of my 5 meals or one of my food blocks would be great. I also wanted to know if you think I should eat this fruit snacks called "Welch's Tangy Fruit Snacks" they are fat free, Gluten free, no preservatives, and it says on the back that they are 130 calories, but I just want to ask for your opinion first because I really don't want to break the INSANITY nutrition plan just cause of my stupid cravings. Thanks for your help :)

From someone with experience

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