any one else talk to themselves?

Keep talking to yourself and people will think you are crazy.







Hey, I'm not talking to you.
LOL yeah I have to agree most people will sound off or actually talk to themselves at some point. It's when you start getting answers back that don't sound like your own voice and sound like Linda Blair you should start to worry.
By the way I did just last nite(talk to myself). I went on a 5 min. tirade over my lack of eye/hand coordination in trying to transfer a steak from a broiler to a plate! Didn't get any answer back,although i felt better when it was over. lol

Steve McCarthy
I can see that, your two distinct people now. Funny that!

He's not your imaginary friend is he? You of all people should know Map's rule on that
i suggest that at the next MAP meet we get all of the sane people in one corner and ignore them... all three of them.
1. Just for clarity I was the only driver on the M25 capable of driving in the rain.
2. Nothing wrong with sensitive. *picks up wife's copy of womans own".
I love driving in heavy rain on the motorway. I do 130mph with my lights on full and enjoy the screaming of my passengers.
It's a wonder I'm still alive when I write stuff like that down.