Any new fashion trends of February 2013?


May 13, 2008
I want to dress up at school in the newest trends! Send links! Ill give best answer to best outfit!
I have never heard of/seen that "cute teddy" thing but it doesn't sound cute to me at all.
I would say that jean jackets are coming in again but it's a little early to tell.
Also short hair in really coming in, especially pixie cuts like Anne Hathaway or Emma Watson.
Yeah, the fashion trend of February 2013 is the 'CuteTeddy" even guys are doing it now. Their wearing reds and pinks, and baby blues with teddy bear logos and such on em....their even coming out with the shoes with the teddy bear logos on them. Its sorta cool if ya ask me.
I honestly think that when people are wearing the same thing it weird so just wear those hidden wedges and add your own style and then off the shoulder shirts are good just find stuff that's trendy and then put your own style to it or just bring back old trends this generation seems to be doing that a lot