Any martial art classes for females in Riyadh?


May 11, 2008
Anything that will teach me to defend myself and also discipline me is highly appreciated. Please I'd you know any good places do tell. I have tried looking before but sadly being a first year university student hasn't given me much chances to look around.

Thank you in advance.
Females are able to do any art thay please. theres no restrictions. its up to you to be exposed to some violence and practice. and taking beating here and there.

i certainly recommend bjj for the people who want to self defend by one on one. i find it the best strategy

as for a group on combat akido is a great bet as well. but i am not too pleased of how they practice because in a group fight they will all be coming at you. akido practices a group fight with one guy coming at you at a time. and all these krav maga and kenpo do the same thing.

so i say go for bjj. its real fun too and its something you might be into if you like ground game.