any late birds out there?

Every single day I stay up until 3-4 am or later. I just don't want to go to sleep any earlier. I usually go to bed when I can't find anything to watch on t.v. Maybe I should work overnight shifts at Mcdonalds since I can stay up really late.
Apparently, i don’t know if it is true or not but i remember watching a TV documentary about sleep and it said on average, people who sleep more hours die younger...
Was just reading about that actually,people who get more than 8 hours often have lower life expectancy- average is 6-8 hours for health. If I get less than 7 I am stuffed,still feel rough from no sleep on Thursday night.Slept for 12 hours Friday night and felt rough next day too
I get about 8 hours a night or less.

I find it i sleep in im sleepy all day.

If i fall asleep in the afternoon, even if its only for 10 mins i find it hard to sleep later when i go to bed.

Su you are not alone on the whole sleeping at parties and at nightclubs. I have a mate who is just like that. He has fallen asleep against a big speaker once. I think its because he gets up at 6am every morning...he’s ready for bed by 9pm!

I remember once i was out for a few drinks in Leeds. We were walking through the train station and i called into the shop to get some energy drink. I told my mate he should get some as it might help him stay awake past 9! so he went in and came out with 3 cans! i noticed his had a purple writing on and mine had orange writing on...turns out he'd got the other drink...the chill out one!! hehehe. I didn’t tell him and he drank them all. Sure enough he was nodding off by 9

and sometimes when i wake up and realise that i have another hour of sleep, i'm sooooooo happy, but what i really hate is when i wake up and in 5 sec the alarm clock goes off
Its also awful when you wake up and you think its Saturday and you can lay in...but then it dawns on you that its monday morning... then BAM! the alarm clock confirms it!
I suck with alarm clocks I really do, I have three alarm clocks by my bed at staggered timings and the two on my phone set. My mum still has to yell sometimes to get me up.

One of my alarm clocks is a super duper loud one, you can hear it down the end of my road, the scary thing is I've been known to sleep through it.
I prefer to be a night-owl, my worst hours are about 2-6 am. But when I need to, I can get up about 4 am and be good for at least a few hours. (Usually I go to sleep early in preparation.)

Six hours sleep will get me through a day, but I'll have to catch up on it eventually.

I can nap just about anywhere, anytime.

And I hate alarms too
i can't nap anywhere, anytime like you. a friend of mine does it all the time, but my body doesn't function that way, for me night is the time to sleep
If I nap during the afternoon I'll feel rotten after I wake up. I normally function on about 4 hours sleep, I hate dragging my backside out of bed.
I rarely get to bed before midnight and usually wake between 6-7 am. Unless I have to get up at an earlier time I am awake well before the alarm. I have been known to get a half hour nap in the afternoon tho Before this job I was usually up till 3am which was much better.
Well, it does depend a lot on how tired I am, and sometimes what I've been eating. But with some of the schedules I've kept and conditions I've been in, it's something of a necessity.
Indeed! My coworkers in my department are all morning people and we have an 8 am meeting tomorrow! I don't arrive at work until 8:15-8:20! Short meeting anyway. No way am I gonna kill myself to arrive at 8 am.