Any cooks out here today?


New member
Apr 5, 2011
Im trying to take a good look at my diet and notice what exactly is it that I eat that wont let me loose weight. I use olive oil for all my cooking and pretty much don't eat junk food except fast food 2 days a week. I also really love bread, its my favorite food besides potatoes :D. My grandma in El Salvador has a bakery and when I was growing I would always eat short bread cookies, muffins, salpores, tortas and spanish pound cake with coffee. I need to find a healthier alternative, does anyone know something healthy that pairs good with coffee in the morning?
@haya I don't eat bad things when I eat out, i usually eat burritos or grilled chicken with rice or fish sandwich....also I'm not trying to be super skinny like you I'm just trying to be MY normal weigh again ok, thanks for your "help"
that is not healthy im really skinny and i eat fastfood once a monthyou eat it like 10 times and you want to lose weight trollllll
NO sugar! and if you want to wake yourself up then use an apple, make a smoothie with a banana, free fat yogurt, some ice, and blueberries. eat more fruits and veggies and run 4 laps too
Olive oil is better for your heart than butter, but it's the same amount of calories, so be careful there. Dump the 2 days a week of fast food. Eat smaller portions of anything you are eating and, unfortunately, you really need to watch the bread and other baked goods. Maybe have one thing a day as a treat. And anything pairs with coffee! Try to get some exercise while you are at it - 30 minutes a day. Doesn't need to be at at gym or actual exercises - walk, ride a bike, play sports.