And what does your god wish to discuss tonight?

He want to discuss the scientific proof of His existence,
The absolute scientific proof of the existence of God is: There are two
things in the universe: energy; and, information, which is the conformation of
energy. In 1John1:5 it says, "God is light". Light is energy, therefore, energy
is God. Capacitance causes consciousness. Gods eternal creating causes His
eternal consciousness. If we were energy we would never sleep. We are
information, a closed circuit of the one substance in the one substance, and, we
may undifferentiate into confluent circuits, thereby losing consciousness. We
may totally undifferentiate into nothingness. That which leads toward that is
pleasure. The one force of the universe is pushing all to undifferentiate into
nothingness. Everything is running down, or wound up by that which is running
down. Creation is a consequence of theophysiology. There are an infinitude of
dimensions. The infinitesimal point nothingness, . , is rastered by time into
timespace, U, which exerts its oneness in one direction, /, that stirs closed
circuitry, O, which all going the same way, vO^XvO^, clashes, X, a "big bang",
which forces confluency, =, to undifferentiate into nonexistence. This is the
mechnism of creation. The rest is the force to undifferentiate into nothingness.
Too much capacitance is unpleasant, to say the least. God doesn't like it and we
don't like it. But, mankind cried for immortality so that God incarnated as
Jesus Christ to give immortality to those who followed His directions. With the
ultimate closed circuitry of the one substance, "what goes around comes around".
I've seen lizards flying through the air. Actually they simply jumped from trees and sailed through the air.

I'm headed now to search for frogs in the air. (I recall seeing how it was done. Ah the heck with it. here's my guess. Frog ovas were drawn into clouds at just the right stage during a day that was just the right humidity. Then they developed into pollywogs while in the clouds and fell out of the clouds when they turned into frogs.)

Here you go: Flying Frogs