An R&P Planet Caravan, (Come On Space Trucking!)?


Oct 3, 2008
What are some songs with names of planets in the song title.

For the purposes of this question, Pluto is planet, and fictional planets are acceptable.

BQ: Sabbath or Pantera version of Planet Caravan?
Excuse me? This is MY question. If you want to talk about moons, comets, asteroids and what have you go to the Astronomy section. :)

Actually, Astronomy is a good song too.
PJ - I'll let 2 Skinnee J's refute your nutty claims regarding Pluto.
Nightwish - "Planet hell"

BQ: I love the Sabbath version but I love the Pantera one a little bit more.
Spoooooky, Jimmy. I was just thinking about that song not 5 minutes ago.

How about a moon?


hey, bub, you're the one who was going to allow Pluto as a planet. Once you opened that gate, all's fair! ;)
That was cool! I'm bookmarking that one for future use.
"Venus" by Bananarama
"drops of jupiter" by Train
"life on mars" by David Bowie
"saturn' by Skillet
"Pluto" by Bjork

Sabbath Version by far.
david bowie - life on mars?
television - venus
andy mckee - venus as a girl
devin townsend - jupiter
porcupine tree - jupiter island
jimi hendrix - south saturn delta
ronald jenkees - neptune
jimi hendrix - uranus rock
devin townsend - earth day
jimi hendrix - earth blues
the doors - not to touch the earth
porcupine tree - last chance to evacuate planet earth before it is recycled
queen - earth
rush - earthshine
santana - europa (earth's cry heaven's smile)
radiohead - planet telex
Venus and Mars Rock show-Wings
Venus-Shocking Blue-
M/A Black Sabbath