An infant car seat travel question please?


May 24, 2008
My son and I are traveling overseas in January to visit my sick mom. He'll be 5 months old. It's going to be just the baby and me from beginning till end. Since it's just the 2 of us, I'm taking my FAA approved car seat and stroller with me. I was wondering if anyone else has traveled this way and if you could give me advice. I'm already aware of the fact that I need to be there earlier than normal but will the stewardesses be mad if I book the seat next to me? Are they helpful? Is it hard to put the seat in place? What about bathroom brakes? Where do you change the baby? Can I take the CAN of formula or does it have to be in a bottle already mixed (I'll be breastfeeding but I'd like to have it with me just in case)? and things like that. I've traveled this route more times than I can count but never with a baby so any advice would be very welcome!
Thank you in advance!
I'm asking the question in this category because more mothers are likely to read it and respond! :)