amirite? post stories, get told

Its like a version of Twitter, from first glance. Don't use twitter. So won't use this.

Nothing beats FML.
If you look at the way it is set up then it is, you post something and people can comment. Even the appearance of the statements is similar.
My twitter looks remarkably different - I don't tend to post "amirite" at the end of every tweet either.

Your skills of observation are lacking.
Well, I am not a member of twitter, so I guess I only see a generic version when I view someones page. You are clearly just trying to be difficult, but that's fine, if it makes you feel intellegent then so be it. You clearly have a lack of imagination or ability to see past what is printed in front of you.

I was merely stating it has a feel of twitter about it, in my opinion, which I do not use, so would not be interested in using this 'amirite'.
Trying to be difficult? Trying the impossible is comparing two things you have no clue about.
Seeing as I don't use twitter either and I'm the person that made it, I didn't model it on twitter at at all. I did take pointers from Facebook though, with the new posts appearing without having to refresh etc.

It's dissimilar to twitter in that you don't have to register to post. Anyone can go on and post what they want and anyone can comment.
I love the Postal Gold man comment. We need to get some way of voting him into Parliament, what nation would go against Postal Gold Man?
