American MAPer visiting London


Apr 13, 2008
I'll probably be spending some time in london between the 5-13th of March, any special martial arts related events or any locals willing to meet up with me and show me around?
Haha, whoever named the places in North America didn't have much of an imagination. There seems to be an American or Canadian version of every city and town in Britain and a lot from Europe too.
tough joke for someone from jamaica...from what I remember there are MANY places in JA named after english towns or countys.

and yes I do mean London England.
Funny, when I made the same request last year, at almost the exact same time, I had tons of responses from ScotMAP'ers, geordie MAP'ers and other MAP'ers from around London - and only one from a London MAP'er. You would think there would be tons of them, but I guess not. Anyway - there is lots to see and do in London aside from MA, but it would be nice if you could meet someone at least. Hey London MAP'ers, where are you?
That's because the british we up in there since 1655 and named all the darn towns. Damn British . Every place named since after independence has an authentic non - British name.
12th and 13th of March is the weekend - I like hitting people with sticks...seems you do too. I'm not very good but I am a moving target Maybe we could meet up?
Hi qbushido,
I am willing to drag you around some drinking establishments in London on a weekday evening after I've finished work or maybe a day thing on a weekend if I'm feeling generous and flush! It's hard to say where I'll be around those dates but PM me nearer the time and we can sort something. And, if any other London based Mappers want to join the festivities, the more the merrier!

Did you pop over last year qbushido as per the above thread? If so, did you meet anyone? You still coming over? Just 'cos I didn't suggest the drinking it doesn't mean I don't wanna do it
NO I didnt last year, plans fell through, though this year is different tix are booked and I will bein your country from 5-MAR to 10-MAR.

in regards to the werewolf comment, very similar without the body hair.

I'd love to meet any of you for a pint or 4
Very similar, without the body hair.
I leave saturday, come on, if none of you want to meet up then at least drop some ideas as far as what to do, where to eat, where to get a pint on london

Any sports matches to see while there? I dont need tickets, just a pub to sit in and enjoy the exp.
I thought you were due in a couple of weeks! Oh well - I'm working this weekend so unable to link up...sorry!
Why go to London? Its full of rude southereners, come to the friendly north instead, I'll take you for 24 pints, a kebab and a lap dancing club!!!
Next time man, I have a feeling that the UK and I will get along. Next time it will be the north and scotland I am sure. This trip will be spent between bath and London.