Am I registered to HTC Sense?


New member
Jan 22, 2011
I bought a HTC Desire about 3 months ago. Ive lost it somewhere on silent, you can turn it off silent throught the website if the phones registered. However I dont know if it is registered. I know ive got something with a googlemail account on there that the phone made me do when I first got it but i dont really remember. Would that be my htc sence account or not? If I upload photos to facebook from my phone I can do it throught the htc sense option and it works so that must mean im registered right?
When I upload photos theres an option to upload via facebook or upload via facebook for htc sense. Is there anyway I can turn it off silent remotely if it isn't registered with sense?
The registration you did at the initial setup was for your Google account syncing. All Android phones have to do that. That has nothing to do with Sense. Any Android phone can upload images to Facebook, with or without Sense.