Am I not getting enough nutrition?! What am I doing wrong?!?


Feb 24, 2008
So I'm a runner (long distance) and Ive recently gained about 5 pounds of fat and I'm working to get rid of them. I'm on a sort of diet (I started about 2 weeks ago) and Ive been sticking to it. Infact this past weekend I ran 9 miles. So I guess i had enough nutrition that day. The past 2-3 days I have had little to no energy. I'm mentally awake but my muscles feel weak. Today I tried doing something as simple as running up and down the stairs and I barely did that 10 times until I had to stop, wich is abnormal for me. I just feel worn out and like I need to sit down. Pretty much for the past 3 days Ive had this food:
Oatmeal: 160 cal
1/2 grapefruit: 60 cal
Bit of chocolate: 30 cal
1 cup of grapes: 80 cal
A few bites of chips: 30 cal
Baby Carrots: 25 cal
1 apple: 100 cal
Dried mango: 30 cal
Some sort of carb (rice, pasta): 100 cal
Salad: 100 cal
Watermelon: 50 cal
Cake or someother sweet: 50 cal
Coffee/ Orange juice: 50 cal
Cereal: 100
Thats pretty much what I eat! Btw: I'm female and 18 yearsold.What am i doing wrong and how do i fix it? Im looking to loose about 5 pounds and get toned. I'm currently 126 ish and 5'5"
I take a B 12 vitamin when I feel low on energy but you may have a thyroid issue. I'd go to the doctor if this really is super abnormal for you

and I don't think you've had enough food.