Am I crazy about gadgets ?


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Hi, I am kinda crazy, I guess ! (English is not my mother language, so I maybe won't able to explain well.) My problem is, I feel kinda weird about human-built devices. Example, a certain phone model like the Apple iPhone 4S. All of them are same-to-same, right ? All of them has same body parts, same built-in Apps and other files, same iOS, etc. Now, I feel, all people who buy an iPhone 4S will have to buy the core version of it. Then (s)he can improve it buy adding apps and files, powerful SD Cards, etc. And there's my problem. I take this device-improving as a competition. I also feel if my device ever gets broken, I can buy the same device in it's core version. How weird is my mentallity ? Thanks !