Am I a metrosexual?


New member
Jul 5, 2008
I need to know because I am not actually sure. I know for a fact that I am a hetero-sexual, i even have a girlfriend! All i know is that I make alot of un-called for movements or jestures without realizing it, I also have an extremely high concern for my own personal appearence thats as much as i can tell. I may add more to this but this is what i can say for right now.
No i am not in the slightes way homosexual at all, trust me.
A metrosexual is a heterosexual male that who is very confident in his way of dressing . He presents himself in modern fashion. Brad Pitt in oceans ll. He knows how to match and wear silk shirts. That is a good example. He also grooms himself well. Hair and Nails. Hope this helps.