always arguing with my boyfriend?


May 15, 2008
ok a little info behind us, i'm 19 he's 23, we've been together for 15 months, in july i had pretended to be one of my friends and i was texting him pretending to be them (with their permission) after 3 weeks he found out and got really mad and we broke up. we've got back together and he's told me it's going to take a while for things to be normal but in the last 8 weeks i feel we've argued more than ever, it's not really big huge arguments but it's things about what we are doing at the weekend, why he hasn't called me or vice versa it's pretty stupid things but it's got the point where i keep repeatedly telling him that these fights are stupid, i know it's me who causes them too. what can be done to stop these fights?

he's meant to be taking me on a surprise 21st holiday next august and i was reading his texts which was to his best friend saying "i'm still undecided about paying for the big holiday, there's still doubt in my mind after everything that's happened" he knew i was reading his texts though before anyone blows up about that,

what do i do? i love him so much, the text kinda threw me a bit of course because apart from the little arguments i thought we were okay. i asked him last night if he had any doubts and he said no.. so he lied? :S
p's it's not always, it's probably once or twice a week, it never gets to the point where we end up saying we hate each other, it usually just ends with each of us being stubborn for an hour then we laugh about it and are fine again