

New member
Mar 19, 2008
Just curious if any of the members have allergies and maybe what kind. Can be any kind of allergy. Fish, eggs, dust, mold, various animals, you name it.

I've got an allergy to nuts. Needless to say, Halloween sucks.
Nuts, eggs, sesame seeds, animal fur are the ones I remember. I have a list, but anything below those have too little effect for me to care. Oh and since I have asthma you could probably add air to that list! ;-)
Hayfever. It must be to a specific pollen though as I only get affected for a limited time each summer. Antihystemines take care of it no problem.

slight allergy to alchohol. If I drink like a shot, I get bright red, sleepy and start itching everywhere.
I work doing a lot of remodels, There's pleanty of molds, dust, nests. Plus seasonal allergies. Alegra works for me. Ahhh now my eyes itch.
Be well.
im wheat, gluten, and lactose intolerant. I also have an allergy to clindamycin (a kind of antibiotic)
Erm, Dust Mites, Dust itself, Most animal fur, Feathers, All Pollen so hayfever 12 months a year, but i am most allergic to fools and blaggers, god but they make me sick.
Dust mites and their poop, some pollen (though most don't grow here in Oz). Supposed to be allergic to shellfish but I've eaten oysters and mussels like there's no tomorrow so skeptical on that one. Hmm... why the allergy question. Are you gonna catalog these and if one of us irks you on MAP, then pow: BIG DOSE OF DUST MITE POOP in the mail? If so, I'm also allergic to money, the more money the worse I get.
Work, mornings, ninja, a couple of antibiotics, something in Mr Muscle Kitchen spray that isn't in Mr Muscle Bathrooom spray, Ladybird reflux blood.
Comes from spending 18 months working in enclosed spaces with them. I really was allergic to my work! Fortunately I loved my job so didn't mention the allergy to occupational health, or they would have tried to make me quit - I did have a cool face mask that made me sound like Darth Vader though! Actually, the reflux blood is an irritant anyway - its one of their defence mechanisms.
Most of them survived and were released and the ones I bred in the lab didn't know any other life! Actually they had it easy compared to the ones living in the wild - nice warm incubators, regular aphid meals and a kind, caring Frodocious to look after their every need!
*Squish* Opps my bad
*Squish* Oopsie daisy
*Squish* Sorry I'm clumsy
*Squish* *Squish* *Squish* Sorry

...Hey, where'd all of them go? I swear there were more.....