

Mar 21, 2008
you dont need it, seriously, you don't. I'm so sick of hearing about people who drink and then wind up hurting or killing someone. stupid humans still aren't mentally mature enough to handle mood altering substances.
Some people seem to need it, alcoholics, my mum was one and died from it, now i only seem to drink in moderation or sociably, never get wrecked any more!
Kill Bill,
I note in your profile you say:
I make sandwhiches, hooray, at least i get free food and beer

I wish my employers gave me beer!

I agree with the others, it's okay in moderation
so long as you drink because you like the taste it's fine, it's only dangerous when you drink specifically to get drunk.
Alcohol is great. A lot of people probably wouldn't be around if it weren't for alcohol! History would be very different.
I think it's all right for people to drink in moderation.

Personally I choose not to because I don't like the whole idea of losing control. I've seen one too many people doing stupid and embarassing things under the influence of alcohol.

Thanks much, I do enough of that on my own without being intoxicated.

But really, as long as you know your limits and stick to them, I don't see anything wrong with others having a drink every once in a while.
Nothin wrong with drinking a little, but i do believe the world would be a better place if more people would light up instead of drink up.
after working all week in my job,it's nice to look forward to the weekend so i can consume soom cider.and yes i do know my limit!