ALCOHOL NEWBIE HERE!!! How many shots of 100 proof vodka (50% alcohol) do I need to


New member
Feb 21, 2013
drink to get drunk? I drank 2 shots and after an hour I still felt essentially nothing.

Can someone pleaseee tell me how to get drunk with this stuff??

How many more shots do I need?? I would be so grateful if someone gave me an actual number of shots that I need to take to get drunk, or at least an estimate.

I am a dude. I am 5'10. I weigh 140 pounds.

Much appreciated!!!
That depends on your alcohol tolerance, etc. I would be drunk after three drinks, but I know someone who would have to drink half a bottle of it to feel what I feel from two drinks.
A standard drink is 10mls of pure alcohol. That is one 20ml shot of this type of alcohol you are talking about.
If you are a big man it can take 4-8 standard drinks for you to be "drunk". There is no real definition of "drunk", people have different opinions, some say it's when your face gets red and others say it's when you're totally unconscious.

You should be careful when you are trying to get drunk because it's normal for you to have like 18 shots and feel nothing, because it takes a while for the alcohol to get into your system because it stays in your stomach for a while. People often drink a lot because they don't feel drunk and then suddenly all the alcohol they have been drinking hits their system and they become more drunk then they intended. Always be careful when drinking alcohol.

P.S bear in mind that it takes one hour for your body to get rid of one 20ml shot of this vodka you're talking about. So if you drink like 15 shots then you will still be drunk the next morning.
It depends on too many factors to give you an exact number. Age, height, weight, gender, metabolism, alcohol tolerance, how often you drink, and even what you have eaten during the day all have an effect on how much it takes to get drunk.

If this is your first time I wouldn't drink more than 6 shots of 100 proof vodka.