Aks, Ax, Axe, ASK?

stab is another 'cool' word they like to use, I think it's like 'talk to' or something along those lines. Amount of kids around I hear using it like it makes them hellacool for using it.

I think it's like when we were kids and we would say "if he spoke to me in that tone of voice about my mum I would give him a good gutt punch, the rascal, isn't that right..."
A sort of 'Let him have it' description.

The street slang here is nowhere near as advanced. Funnily enough a lot of the kids here are saying 'INIT' without knowing it, it started as a micky take of southerners on X-box and has stuck.
Why do kids want to speak like people from poor black communities in America?
MTV barstewards
I think British kids need an identity and at the moment American Black Culture is it. People have always followed a music scene but today the opposite of rock isn't pop.
I think that one sentence pretty much sums everything up.
It's a bit like a Chinese person sailing down the Ganges to "try and find themselves" or a Nigerian going fox hunting with pack of dogs by side, monacle in the eye and bugle in hand in order to aquire some identity they think themselves lacking.
It's sympomatic of consumer culture & the self-loathing that globalism creates.

The idea for the future seems to be to try and trample on authentic cultures and indentities and replace it with MTV contrived synthetic alternatives driven by that good old phrase - "market forces". Once it suits them, your current mass-produced ready-made identity becomes unfashionable and something else gets glamourised, forcing you to spend spend spend to buy into that. It's actually a very good (if rather cynical) method of social control in addition to generating profit.

Gotta love our Brave New World.
I recently read a book, Adventures in English. The guy stated that in something like the 1300s there were 50 (50!!) different ways to spell "she". Think of how many ways that must have been pronounced. I think its remarkable the amount of standardization we have now. Almost sad, really.

Martial Dad: Every time I read your signiture I smiled. It is just so clever.
I don't think it's a cut and dried as all that. Kid have access to massive amounts of information now, much of it from the US. They pick and choose what they want from it.
Not a new thing when you think of Britains favourite food.
I don't know how much of the clothing trend in sportswear has come from the States or from Liverpool.
Music wise it's now more open than ever. My son's new phone contains everything from Tu-Pac to Wigan Pier tunes.
They don't buy into everything the way previous generation have, they're too smart for that.