akins under fire for comments about legitimate rape, pregnancy

if someone's kill babies you should phone the police.

Fetuses on the other hand......

and you're not even criticizing the guy on his statements.


In related news,
Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, has never heard of someone getting pregnant from rape or incest

"Well I just haven't heard of that being a circumstance that's been brought to me in any personal way," King told KMEG-TV. "I'd be open to discussion about that subject matter."

Mike Huckabee thinks a lot of "extraordinary" people have been the result of rapes

2 more. The last one is a what the frack comment.

"The right approach is to accept this horribly created — in the sense of rape — but nevertheless a gift in a very broken way, the gift of human life, and accept what God has given to you." Rick Santorum (R) 2012

"Rape is kinda like the weather. If it's inevitable, relax and enjoy it." - Clayton Williams (R), 1990 candidate for Texas governor who lost to Democrat Ann Richards.
Depends on what you mean by consensual. If a 16 year old girl has consensual sex with a 19 year old man then it is still rape.
Not in the UK. And those sorts of cases are deemed non-consensual because the child is determined to be incapable of giving consent due to her age, no matter how much she actually consented in reality.

The word "forcible" was in that bill in order to nitpick over different rape situations and in doing so stop women from having abortions as far as I can see.
The thing is in all states she could have sex with a 17 year old so she can give consent but only to a male within a certain age in some states.

Under a certain age a male or female cannot give consent and that becomes forcible rape depending on the age gap.
As I said...in the UK once a girl hits 16 she can have sex with whoever she likes and, evidently, many of them do.

That age range things sounds more sensible though.
the you can have an abortion in case of rape but not if you willingly had sex just says to me 'you opened your legs now accept the consequences you slut!'
sounds mysongynistic and slut shaming.
No she can still have the abortion just the tax payers don’t have to pay for it.
By the way, me personally I would give free birth control to every girl pass the age of consent and for the most part they can get it. However I think it should be easier to get for them and I have no problem using my tax money to support it. I just don’t support abortions as a form of birth control for the lazy or stupid.
I can agree with that. There are far too many abortions for them all to be due to a split condom, forgotton pill and/or rape.
It's a shame there's not a safe and easily reversible form of oermanent birth control. Personally I'd see nothing wrong with simply applying that to everyone, across the board, until/unless they declared that they wanted children.
I would rather see them pay for it but if I have to pay for it I want them to be force on birth control as a condition of them being stupid or lazy. Like I said in my post I’m all for free birth control.
What we need is a safe effective once a month pill for us guys.
With the proper marketing we would see a very large drop in abortions.
An implant would be a better option - people often forget to take pills, but the implant they were working on worked for three years before needing replacement (although did require injections every six months).
In fact is may be an understatement of gargantuan proportions. This guy is clearly a moron and I'm guessing he frequently says moronic things on a regular basis. He made this statement during an election season and the media grabbed it, ahem, like a python would a small furry animal and are not about to let go.

The Democrats do not mind because it takes the focus off the economy and they can tie this moron to the conservative running mate of Mitt Romney to try and negate his likability factor. Mitt of course does not have a likeability factor. The Republicans would probably like to ensure this guy makes his next media appearnce as a floater in Tampa Bay at the convention as he hasn't stepped down for the good of the party.

This will play out for a while until Akins caves into pressure and steps down or the media finds another hot topic.
Not quite permanent, but 10 years ain't bad.
