Age 36 mid-life crisis (?)?


Active member
Sep 3, 2007
I feel like I'm going through a minor mid-life crisis. I know this usually hits older aged people usually around 40-60, but I'm just feeling like my whole life has been a waste. I haven't done anything meaningful with my life at all; what makes it worse is that I'm going to die in about 50 or so more years, if not less. I have already lived out almost half of my life and I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING MEANINGFUL WITH MY LIFE.

I'm just not satisfied - I don't understand HOW to make my life meaningful. I haven't ever found true love ( I did but it wasn't meant to work out ) and I've practically given up on love right now. I feel SO old; I'm 36!!! My life is almost over and there I am, some 36 year old guy who hasn't accomplished anything.

I feel like my time is running out; I really do. And I want my life to be meaningful - everybody does. But the sad truth is that my time is running out and my life isn't meaningful yet. I know this is me rambling on, but how do I get over this feeling? Thank you.